The Forge Reference Project


Topic: My 24 Hour RPG
Started by: Crackerjacker
Started on: 7/21/2004
Board: Indie Game Design

On 7/21/2004 at 11:13pm, Crackerjacker wrote:
My 24 Hour RPG

Just wanted to say that I'm starting my 24 hour rpg now (7:13 Eastern US)

Message 12079#129082

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Crackerjacker which Crackerjacker participated Indie Game Design
...including keyword:

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...from around 7/21/2004

On 7/22/2004 at 3:27am, Crackerjacker wrote:
RE: My 24 Hour RPG

I'm not gonna be able to do it. Too much on my plate at this time to be able to. In a few weeks or so I might do it, after the big thing with lots of people doing it is over, but right now I cant.

I tried Sexually Frustrated Teenage Slashers and Stick Town, as well as a few other concepts, but I couldnt get anything done for anything, so I kinda gave up.

Message 12079#129105

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Crackerjacker which Crackerjacker participated Indie Game Design
...including keyword:

 (leave blank for none)
...from around 7/22/2004