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Topic: What is the Zero RPG?
Started by: statisticaltomfoolery
Started on: 7/22/2004
Board: RPG Theory

On 7/22/2004 at 5:44pm, statisticaltomfoolery wrote:
What is the Zero RPG?

I've seen it referenced a few times around, and in a strongly positive fashion, but I can't find hide nor hair of it on here or on the web.

Can anybody give some help?

Message 12085#129169

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On 7/22/2004 at 7:04pm, MajorKiz wrote:
RE: What is the Zero RPG?

Boy, that game really has dropped off of the web, hasn't it?

Your best bet would be to go to and search under the reviews for "Zero". There are about five reviews for it, mixed in with other games like "Spaceship Zero".

The premise was that there's this group-mind entity called (IIRC) "the Equinamity" whose members consist of highly specialized bio-mechanical entities that may have once been human.

Occasionally, one of the bioborgs will be temporarily disconnected from the hive mind and achieve self-awareness. The Equinamity considers these to be "rogue units" and exterminates them ruthlessly. All of the PCs are rogue units.

There were several supplements intended for it (I'm not sure if they all saw print) that covered exploring the ruins that the Equinamity lived in and trying to find a way to defeat Queen Zero, whose will dominates the hive mind and keeps everyone enslaved. Oh, and trying to find out exactly what happened to the world to turn it into this mess.

Message 12085#129183

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On 7/22/2004 at 7:47pm, Paganini wrote:
RE: What is the Zero RPG?

This seems like a good place to bring this up, but maybe someone will want to split it over to GNS theory, I'm not sure.

Anyway, Ron and others have often claimed that Zero is a very strong facilitator of Narrativist play. I don't see that. I own Zero, but I've played it only a small number of times (fewer than 4, I think), so maybe it's something that you only get from long term experience. But, anyway, what are you guys referring to?

Message 12085#129193

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...started by Paganini which Paganini participated RPG Theory
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...from around 7/22/2004