The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Artists I have hired recently
Started by: WRPIgeek
Started on: 7/22/2004
Board: Connections

On 7/22/2004 at 8:41pm, WRPIgeek wrote:
Artists I have hired recently

Hi everyone. I just finished off an issue of my gaming magazine (see link at bottom of page if you're interested), and I wanted to tell everyone about the artists who worked with me. I had a good time working with all of them. As you can probably tell, it was a fairy-themed game this month.

First, Melissa Gay did our cover, which you can see at the Valent Games website. I highly recommend taking a look; she did a great job.

Jennifer Rodgers did this very unfriendly pixie.

Fil Kearny did this one of two goblins going at it.

Jeff Ward did this portrait-style drawing of a Noble.

And Emma White (no web site for her yet) did this little dude who's going to be sitting in the bottom corner of every page (though a bit smaller than this size). There's another faerie for the top corners. If you want to contact her, just e-mail me and I'll pass it on.

Anyway, that's all I wanted to say.

--Colin Fredericks

Message 12088#129197

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