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Topic: The Last Hunt -- Call for Comments/Critique
Started by: bluegargantua
Started on: 7/24/2004
Board: Indie Game Design

On 7/24/2004 at 1:42am, bluegargantua wrote:
The Last Hunt -- Call for Comments/Critique


I'm trying to put a little more effort into developing my RPG ideas and maybe even finishing them. To that end, I'm making the pre-Alpha draft of my game The Last Hunt availble on the web for comments and critique.

The Last Hunt was "inspired" by Moby Dick when I finally finished the thing and thought, "man, I could tell a much better story. I could probably get a random group of people to tell a much better story". So the Last Hunt is all about a party of Hunters who go out to kill a legendary Beast (a giant Whale, a fearsome Tiger, an elusive moose, a killer swordfish, or whatever).

You can find the rules here on my web site.

Your comments are appreciated.


Message 12104#129310

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On 7/24/2004 at 4:12am, TonyLB wrote:
RE: The Last Hunt -- Call for Comments/Critique

I'm interested to know why you've decided to make gaining Death antithetical to gaining Life.

Given that Death represents the ability to influence the world, and Life represents human feeling, it seems that it would convey the message that human feelings are impotent in the face of the necessities of the Hunt. Which may well be what you're going for, but then again it might not.

Message 12104#129317

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On 7/26/2004 at 1:51am, bluegargantua wrote:
RE: The Last Hunt -- Call for Comments/Critique

TonyLB wrote: I'm interested to know why you've decided to make gaining Death antithetical to gaining Life.

Given that Death represents the ability to influence the world, and Life represents human feeling, it seems that it would convey the message that human feelings are impotent in the face of the necessities of the Hunt. Which may well be what you're going for, but then again it might not.

Hi Tony,

It's not supposed to be antithetical except in the case where you're taking a Risk and it gets Raised by the Beast. In which case, yes, it's antithetical for the reason you mention above.

If another Party member Raises you, the points shift between the same scores, not the opposites ones. If no one raises you, you just win or lose on the score you're trying to improve.

Yes, the examples need to clearer and more numerous...

Message 12104#129431

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...from around 7/26/2004