The Forge Reference Project


Topic: [Faces] 24 hr RPG
Started by: Dumirik
Started on: 7/24/2004
Board: Indie Game Design

On 7/24/2004 at 12:35pm, Dumirik wrote:
[Faces] 24 hr RPG

I have completed my 24hr RPG, started last night at 11:30 approx and posted at 10:30 today Australia, Sydney time.

The game is Faces: Subconscious Role Playing, where you play as a part of a person's subconscious, driving them to either make them, or break them.

Really only half baked, I will be submitting a revised addition later on. I did it in around about 7 hours because I had to sleep, do chores and make everybody dinner. I also got hooked on most of Remember the Titans. But anyways. It is here at and the file name is faces.pdf



Message 12107#129335

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