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Topic: Hello all. New 24hour rpg
Started by: PlotDevice
Started on: 7/26/2004
Board: Indie Game Design

On 7/26/2004 at 3:50am, PlotDevice wrote:
Hello all. New 24hour rpg

Well, it has taken me this long to find the Forge, and I am finding it interesting reading. Hello all! :)

For my first post, I was bitten by the 24hour rpg phenomenon last week, and finished my effort at 1:30am this morning, Sydney Time. I have uploaded it to the yahoo group and the site, the latter still pending webmaster acceptance.

What do you get when to mix Zen philosophy, the Seven Deadly Sins, A helping of Nephilim, a dash of GURPS, some ideas from Wraith, with a dash of Evan's Brain (tm)?

Sin/Zen is an experimental rpg with an unusual mechanic based around the Passions that drive action. Characters are mundane beings or empowered entities like gods or spirits, seeking for Enlightenment, Materialism or some peculiar mix between.

Also it exclusively uses d12s. Just because no one else does. =)

I can't do art. I have a bad eye for detail. I ran out of time. But I had fun... I hope some of you find it of interest!

Warm Regards,

Message 12116#129433

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On 7/27/2004 at 2:33pm, Frank T wrote:
Re: Hello all. New 24hour rpg

PlotDevice wrote: Also it exclusively uses d12s. Just because no one else does. =)

Oh well, German Dark Fantasy RPG AERA does. SCNR ;o)

Message 12116#129656

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On 7/27/2004 at 11:11pm, PlotDevice wrote:
RE: Re: Hello all. New 24hour rpg

Frank T wrote:
PlotDevice wrote: Also it exclusively uses d12s. Just because no one else does. =)

Oh well, German Dark Fantasy RPG AERA does. SCNR ;o)

Ha! Knew someone would pick me up on this. :)

My excuse: Don't read German. ;)

Oh, and that link doesn't seem to work and I can't find it on google.

But thanks regardless!


Message 12116#129792

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On 7/27/2004 at 11:24pm, Frank T wrote:
RE: Hello all. New 24hour rpg

Oops, the site doesn't seem to work at the moment. But it really exists! ;o) Look here...

Message 12116#129794

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On 8/16/2004 at 11:37pm, PlotDevice wrote:
What to do with it?

OK, so I have done the 24 hour rpg and am as pleased with the result as I would be anything that I did in 24hrs only. Now, what should I do with the results of this work?

Here is the direct link:

(a) Leave it as is, an artifact of incomplete half ideas, and crawl into a hole and hide?
(b) Kill it. Kill it. Death is too good, make sure you chop off it's head and burn the body.
(c) Expand the ideas into a one setting game (I am partial to the greek gods one, or my personal favourite, the mundane gods one)
(d) Expand the motive for success idea with a different mechanic.
(e) Expand the sin/zen mechanic to a multiple setting piece.
(f) some of the above
(g) Give up game design, and (i) become a garbage collector or (ii) join the French foreign legion (or some other high risk occupation).

I am curious as to what others would do if this particular offspring were their own. Any suggestions?


PS I believed you Frank, I found a review site (also in German) so I figured it existed, anyhow. :)

Message 12116#132178

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...from around 8/16/2004