The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Adjectives needed for degrees of success
Started by: arturo227
Started on: 7/28/2004
Board: Indie Game Design

On 7/28/2004 at 3:53am, arturo227 wrote:
Adjectives needed for degrees of success

Hi all,

I'm designing an RPG with a "degrees of success" resolution mechanic. There are four degrees, from General to Exact. My problem is that I can't think of, and have had no luck looking up, adjectives that describe getting progressively closer to "exactness". I'm thinking of this in terms of a dart board - General would mean that you hit the outer-ring of the board (as in, "general vicinity"), Exact would be a bulls-eye. What would you call the two middle rings?

Thanks for taking the time to read this post, and if I'm lucky, for posting back.



The above still applies but what's really making me lose my mind is building this into hit-location - if you hit someone's hand, that's a small area, but it's no small success. I guess what I need is a few words that can describe little tiny hit areas without the all the perjorative implications.

BTW, I'm not looking for other people to "do my homework for me" - a place to start would be a godsend and invaluable help.

Message 12153#129824

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On 7/28/2004 at 4:16am, timfire wrote:
RE: Adjectives needed for degrees of success

How 'bout...

1) marginal
2) minor
3) major
4) perfect or exact?

Message 12153#129828

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On 7/28/2004 at 8:49am, JimmyB wrote:
RE: Adjectives needed for degrees of success

Dunno if these'll help, but:


Message 12153#129856

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On 7/29/2004 at 1:04am, arturo227 wrote:

Thank you both so much - these are precisely what I needed!


Message 12153#129991

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...started by arturo227 which arturo227 participated Indie Game Design
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...from around 7/29/2004