The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Playtest; Dance&Dawn (ICG game), very easy timewise!
Started by: Dev
Started on: 7/29/2004
Board: Connections

On 7/29/2004 at 7:53pm, Dev wrote:
Playtest; Dance&Dawn (ICG game), very easy timewise!

I'm looking for one more player (please!) to join a play-by-post game for Dance & the Dawn:

It's a short game with very low-level commitment - it would take up perhaps an hour or two in real time, so it's easy to fit in. If you dig the fairy tale / anti-fairy-tale / shoujo-manga / fantasy thing, then please do give a try!

Message 12170#130085

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...from around 7/29/2004

On 8/1/2004 at 6:36pm, Dev wrote:
RE: Playtest; Dance&Dawn (ICG game), very easy timewise!

Ben has stepped up, and that's just awesome! Please feel free to lurk and watch the proceedings - it's not more than one turn of action a day (I think), so it could be a nice link to add to your blogroll.

Message 12170#130375

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On 8/1/2004 at 8:18pm, Eero Tuovinen wrote:
RE: Playtest; Dance&Dawn (ICG game), very easy timewise!

I could well participate if you have a lack of players, but do you have to have the game in a closed forum? I just hate registering and remembering passwords, and would much prefer a lighter and simpler application - say, email.

A stupid thing to bitch about, I know, but it really pisses me off.

Message 12170#130382

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On 8/1/2004 at 8:42pm, Dev wrote:
RE: Playtest; Dance&Dawn (ICG game), very easy timewise!

Eep. Well, I'm in said forum as I was invited in. I'm asking the guy there to make it readable without registration. (He's pretty firm on requiring registration to post, however.)

Message 12170#130385

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On 8/2/2004 at 2:36am, Dev wrote:
RE: Playtest; Dance&Dawn (ICG game), very easy timewise!

I asked, and yeah, the host prefers that people would register to view the game. Apologies for that inconvenience.

Message 12170#130429

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...from around 8/2/2004