The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Danger Patrol
Started by: Jared A. Sorensen
Started on: 1/16/2002
Board: Indie Game Design

On 1/16/2002 at 3:01am, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
Danger Patrol

The website ( looks cool. Sparse right now, but nice art-deco design.

Character creation looks interesting (the pick two words part) and I like the Danger Meter. That chart is taken right from Talislanta, which is cool with me.

I fear an over-developed setting. And the rest of the rules (as shown on that PDF) look...I dunno. Bland.

We shall see!

Message 1218#11438

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Jared A. Sorensen which Jared A. Sorensen participated Indie Game Design
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...from around 1/16/2002

On 1/16/2002 at 3:19am, Joe Murphy (Broin) wrote:
RE: Danger Patrol

Jared A. Sorensen wrote:

Character creation looks interesting (the pick two words part) and I like the Danger Meter. That chart is taken right from Talislanta, which is cool with me.

I fear an over-developed setting. And the rest of the rules (as shown on that PDF) look...I dunno. Bland.

Dammit, I've been yelling at those guys for years to write more Force 9. I'm a huge fan of it. It's sort of a nice... summary of the best bits of Aliens and Starship Troopers. They _paid attention_ to the movies.

But, DP looks quite neat. Danger Meter. Hehe. That's a lovely idea. And a nice term.


Message 1218#11440

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Joe Murphy (Broin) which Joe Murphy (Broin) participated Indie Game Design
...including keyword:

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...from around 1/16/2002