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Topic: Reviews II (split)
Started by: daMoose_Neo
Started on: 7/30/2004
Board: Publishing

On 7/30/2004 at 1:55pm, daMoose_Neo wrote:
Reviews II (split)

And really only at the begininng~
As was said in another post I just read 'people have a fear of trying something new'.
Why review D&D, WW, MtG etc products? The stores that would carry it already are, the players who would play it for the most part already are, those who aren't are more often than not recruited by the friends/family/classmates.
Reviews DO function well for new products though because, like them or hate them, they offer a quick glimpse into the world and game. Plus, for some reason, certain reviewers are trusted- the player won't touch the game with a 10-foot pole, but because Joe Gamer said "I had a blast! The best five hours I ever spent in my basement!", Joe Schmoe is willing to now pick up a copy and run it Wednesday night instead of the usual D&D campaign thats been running for the last 30 years.

Post repetative, maybe. But uses reviews have, that they do ^_^

Message 12186#130177

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On 7/30/2004 at 2:04pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Reviews II (split)

Above post was split from Getting out the reviews.

Nate, you've been here long enough to understand Forge etiquette about posting to old threads. It's an understandable mis-step for newcomers, but from you or anyone else who's been here a while, it is nothing more nor less than a serious pain in my ass. Post in accordance with the guidelines; case closed.

And to clarify - most especially don't waste anyone's time with apologies. Just do it right from now on, that's all.

The conversation about reviews is open and may continue here.


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Message 12186#130178

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On 7/30/2004 at 2:30pm, daMoose_Neo wrote:
RE: Reviews II (split)

Checked date. Must remember to check year as well.
As it is unintentionally open, anyone have any new venues or contacts for reviews?
Personally, I do have a couple:

1) New publishers can actually get a nice little blurb into InQuest. Wrote them a little bit back, spoke with editor Tom Slizewski who said new games get a quick news piece and a review~

2) Scrye appears to keep eyes open as well (this might just be for myself, follow the mag some, do they cover RPGs?) as I was contacted by them shortly after a press release on Twilight.

All it requires is a couple of copies of the game~ Considering the rates I've seen on advertising elsewhere on the site, the 10.86 it cost me in product is WAY cheaper than the thousands it would take to get even a half page ad (And I thumbed through a copy of Scyre just yesterday- their reviews are typically a page long, include photos of the game, maybe a piece of artwork, cost, company etc- WAY better than a full page ad, FOR FREE (well, product)).

Message 12186#130184

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On 7/30/2004 at 2:35pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Reviews II (split)


Thanks Nate!

I don't know how easy it is to break in, or whether they accept unsolicited material, but I've seen remarkable sales results from reviews of my stuff in the magazine Realms of Fantasy. At the least, one might send a letter of inquiry to see how to go about getting reviewed.


Message 12186#130185

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