The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Customized Sorcerer Character Sheets
Started by: sirogit
Started on: 8/2/2004
Board: Adept Press

On 8/2/2004 at 5:45pm, sirogit wrote:
Customized Sorcerer Character Sheets

Usual warnings blah blah using possibly copywrited images, for personal use only, blah blah blah, mostly taken from the rasputina website, blah blah, geocities goes down alot.

Message 12226#130579

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...from around 8/2/2004

On 8/2/2004 at 5:59pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Customized Sorcerer Character Sheets

geocities goes down alot

You don't even want to hand me straight lines like that one.

I'm not getting the sheets yet via your links, but I'll check again later.


Message 12226#130585

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On 8/2/2004 at 8:24pm, ScottM wrote:
RE: Customized Sorcerer Character Sheets

You have to C&P the links into your address bar, then it'll work. (I did the same before I remembered, "Hey Geocities".


Message 12226#130630

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On 8/2/2004 at 8:36pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Customized Sorcerer Character Sheets

"... goes down a lot" and it swallows.

Hey, those are neat sheets!! Can I link to them on the website as free downloads?


Message 12226#130636

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...started by Ron Edwards which Ron Edwards participated Adept Press
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...from around 8/2/2004

On 8/2/2004 at 8:39pm, sirogit wrote:
RE: Customized Sorcerer Character Sheets

Ron Edwards wrote: "... goes down a lot" and it swallows.

Hey, those are neat sheets!! Can I link to them on the website as free downloads?


Go right ahead.

also, if the link doesn't work off the bat you could get them from this page(I think, I'm not good at this.)

Message 12226#130638

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by sirogit which sirogit participated Adept Press
...including keyword:

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...from around 8/2/2004