The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Any mommies out there want a game for their girls?
Started by: smokewolf
Started on: 8/9/2004
Board: Connections

On 8/9/2004 at 2:16pm, smokewolf wrote:
Any mommies out there want a game for their girls?

Not to be sexist...

But my wife and I have written a card game for young girls. We are looking for someone to review it. Any takers?

PM or email me if you want to give it a try.

Dress Up

Dress Up is a card game for young girls (ages 5+). While not only is it entertaining, it is also designed to be educational. Dress Up teaches matching, strategy, counting and reading. Each girl tries to be the first one to get completely dressed. They draw cards which either contain an item of clothing or an action which they must perform.

Included in the PDF is a B&W and a color version of the cards and game layouts. Also there are two sets of rules included for two different styles of play. This set contains 43 cards and 4 game layouts. More cards and layouts will be provided with future expansions.

Message 12284#131502

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