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Topic: Three settings that show the breadth of Sorcerer's options?
Started by: sirogit
Started on: 8/13/2004
Board: Adept Press

On 8/13/2004 at 11:00pm, sirogit wrote:
Three settings that show the breadth of Sorcerer's options?

If you could choose three settings of Sorcerer to show the breadth of the possibilities behind customizing the concepts, what would they be?

Message 12321#131993

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On 8/14/2004 at 8:24am, Ben Morgan wrote:
RE: Three settings that show the breadth of Sorcerer's options?

Demon Cops, Charnel Gods, and Inside.

Three totally unique settings, including definitions of Humanity, Sorcery, and Demons. In addition, three totally different moods.

-- Ben

Message 12321#132003

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On 8/14/2004 at 5:36pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Three settings that show the breadth of Sorcerer's options?


Sirogit, wouldn't any three distinctive settings be sufficient for this purpose?


Message 12321#132022

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On 8/15/2004 at 7:00am, sirogit wrote:
RE: Three settings that show the breadth of Sorcerer's options?

To be clear about my purpose, I have an upcoming Sorcerer game as school is starting, and my plan is to encourage the players to make up a setting. I figured I'd show them three examples in order to get the idea of what customization can do.

Some of the sets of settings I was thinking of hit me as problematic, like too many trippy fantasy examples or not enough difference between mood. Ben's set works pretty well for my purposes.

Message 12321#132045

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On 8/16/2004 at 5:46am, Doyce wrote:
RE: Three settings that show the breadth of Sorcerer's options?

For my money, there's one set up that has really impressed me for being very distinctive and different in tone, and that would be the "Grade School Sorcerers" game which was first discussed in the thread here:

I've used those notes to run a few sessions so far, and I'm very much looking forward to the chance to do some more with it in the future... it's sort of Sorcerer meets Snow Day from the Iron Game Chef competition.

* Page describing the action here:
* One-sheet here:
* Character sheet here:

Of importance (to me, at least) is the dual definition of humanity (which I've found to be very compelling and interesting in play) and the great set of descriptors for the three main scores (which really does a lot to set the tone of the game and inspire players during character generation). The links on the page to summaries of character generation illustrate that more (especially the one for the second play group).

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Message 12321#132108

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On 8/16/2004 at 11:09pm, DannyK wrote:
RE: Three settings that show the breadth of Sorcerer's options?

Paka's "Sorcerous Month" thread on was very inspiring.

Message 12321#132177

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On 8/17/2004 at 4:12am, Paka wrote:
RE: Three settings that show the breadth of Sorcerer's options?

DannyK wrote: Paka's "Sorcerous Month" thread on was very inspiring.

Thanks. That was a rockin' month of gaming.

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Message 12321#132195

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