The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Who Narrarates?
Started by: Don D.
Started on: 8/14/2004
Board: Half Meme Press

On 8/14/2004 at 3:07pm, Don D. wrote:
Who Narrarates?

In any given scene who narrarates what happens when? What part does the GM narrarate and what part does the minion's player narrarate? Or is it more like the traditional RPG and the GM says what happens in response to what the player says the minion is doing, in a back and forth manner? Who narrarates how a roll fails? If a minion was to kidnap the baker and the roll fails, who narrarates?

Message 12323#132014

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On 8/15/2004 at 1:11pm, GB Steve wrote:
Re: Who Narrarates?

Don D. wrote: In any given scene who narrarates what happens when? What part does the GM narrarate and what part does the minion's player narrarate? Or is it more like the traditional RPG and the GM says what happens in response to what the player says the minion is doing, in a back and forth manner? Who narrarates how a roll fails? If a minion was to kidnap the baker and the roll fails, who narrarates?
It doesn't really matter who narrates and it depends really on how comfortable the players are in doing so.

They way I play it, the player requests a scene, either "trying to do the master's bidding" or "making a connection".

I'll narrate the start of the scene to set it up, or the player can do it and I might add some florishes.

The player will then narrate their approach and a roll will be made. Usually, I'll narrate the consequences of the roll, but again the player can do it or join in. Narration tends to be something of a group effort. Usually it's me or the player concerned who take the lead but I'm happy for other players to join in and add to the scene.

With such a narrative game, it's all about making the best story so there's less emphasis on competition between players to either make just their bit good, or to take down the master. So everybody pitches in. This works well if you start at character generation and let people comment on each others characters.

Message 12323#132057

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...from around 8/15/2004