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Topic: Applying Business Psychology to GNS?
Started by: PlotDevice
Started on: 8/17/2004
Board: GNS Model Discussion

On 8/17/2004 at 7:04am, PlotDevice wrote:
Applying Business Psychology to GNS?

I am just wondering if anyone has tried to apply the kind of psychological models that are spoken about in Learning and Development and Company Culture excercises to GNS theory?

I have read the most of the articles now, but am thinking that I am about 20% into the understanding and absorbtion scale... so please forgive me if I have missed something obvious.

OK, one model I have seen bandied about is the Whole Brain Business Thinking model. You probably have seen it bandied about yourself if you have taken part in any HR related stuff at work. It extrapolates from Sperry's left / right brain model and the limbic brain structure into the four basic thinking structures:

Facts: (Logic, analysis, finantials, performance, measurement, goals, objectives)
Futures: (Vision, strategy, possibilities, linking ideas, big picture, new concepts, future trends)
Feelings: (Communication, care, relationships, recognition, training, culture)
Form: (Risk reduction, regulations, rules, planning, methods, control, policy)

Now I don't want to leap ahead of myself and start madly applying these principles willy nilly, but I see some correspondances, and therefore, possibly some gaps.

Does anyone more knowledgeable than myself care to comment, or if this kind of excercise has been done in the past, care to point me at the relevant threads?


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On 8/18/2004 at 4:24am, beingfrank wrote:
RE: Applying Business Psychology to GNS?

I haven't looked at it from the perspective of that particular theory.

At one point I did get into drawing in ideas from some social psychology and group interaction stuff, but I've forgotten most of those ideas I thought so brilliant at the time. I did also briefly consider looking whether virtual space (such as in MMORPGs) has correlates of the effects actual space has on the way people interact within it, but researching that was *expensive* and still at the 'poking things with a stick to see if an insight falls out' stage of research.

I'd like to do something like that again, but time is a finite commodity. I'm interested in anyone else's thoughts.

Message 12343#132287

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