The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Announcing the Battleaxe RPG
Started by: 16CBH
Started on: 8/18/2004
Board: Connections

On 8/18/2004 at 5:46pm, 16CBH wrote:
Announcing the Battleaxe RPG

Its official -- The first edition of the Battleaxe RPG will be presented as a free download! This edition, called Nightshade, will be 120+ pages and will introduce the world of Mordredica and the Invoke! Game Engine. It looks like the release is a couple of weeks away, but the pdf should be up during the first week of September.
Keep an eye on and for details or contact us at

About BRPG,
The Battleaxe RPG presents a familiar fantasy setting with familiar fantasy races so you can start kicking butt right away. Designed as an homage to video game RPGs, the Battleaxe RPG features a free-form system of player-created skills and spells with stats and exploits that evolve as the game is played.
The Battleaxe RPG will be supported with new adventures, spells, expanded world data, and system updates that will be made available as free updates on our website.

Message 12363#132336

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On 8/27/2004 at 9:56pm, 16CBH wrote:
RE: Announcing the Battleaxe RPG

Development Updates
Beginning next week the Battleaxe RPG will be released for packaging. After the book has been packaged and tested it will be uploaded and available for download! Look for Battleaxe to appear around September 3rd.

Also, the first supplement titled, The Creeping Dead, is in development. We will release this book in two or three chunks. Look for the first release sometime around September 12th.

Message 12363#133662

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