The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Organizational software
Started by: WolfJack
Started on: 8/19/2004
Board: Indie Game Design

On 8/19/2004 at 9:03pm, WolfJack wrote:
Organizational software

Some friends and I are starting to work on a game design. New for me, but enjoyable.

Question I have for the masses:
What software, preferably web based software, do you all use and/or recommend for this type of collaberative work.

We would prefer something that can have one account with write, or full access, and others that have read access.

Any suggestions or advice??


Message 12373#132448

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On 8/19/2004 at 9:44pm, Jasper wrote:
RE: Organizational software

Hello and welcome,

If nothing else, providing everyone has a copy already, you could simply send Word files back and forth. At least in more recent versions, it will keep track of changes with accompanying notes, until each change is accepted. I don't think it has any specific features for multiple people to ratify a change, but I'm sure you could work out a tenable system.

However, I'd really recommend wiki. In general, wiki allows form-based management of web pages, and offers various levels of participation and control. Here's a site, done in wiki of course, which describes some of wiki's benefits:

Why Wiki Works

I bet Clinton will pipe in about wiki too, since he used to use it on his anvilwerks page (but doesn't appear to any more).

Message 12373#132451

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On 8/22/2004 at 9:30pm, Trevis Martin wrote:
RE: Organizational software


The third Universalis Arena is being conducted on my site which is a wiki using the TWiki wiki engine. YOu can noodle around that site for a bit to see how that's going. Uni is a very collaborative game.


Message 12373#132629

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...started by Trevis Martin which Trevis Martin participated Indie Game Design
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On 8/23/2004 at 1:19am, Dave Panchyk wrote:
RE: Organizational software

And, of course, here and elsewhere people have praised Mayetic Village, which we're using for In the Shadows of Stars.

Message 12373#132640

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...started by Dave Panchyk which Dave Panchyk participated Indie Game Design
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...from around 8/23/2004