The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Editor in search of project...
Started by: worldeater
Started on: 8/20/2004
Board: Connections

On 8/20/2004 at 12:26am, worldeater wrote:
Editor in search of project...


I am interested in joining a game development team as an editor (lead or assistant, doesn't matter to me). Although I'm not a professional writer, I do have a good command of the English language and an appreciation for schedules, deadlines and responsibilities. Best of all, I'm willing to work (right now) for little more than the glory.

Basically, I would like to help with an indie RPG project without starting something from scratch. People tell me that my skills are as a finisher and fixer, not necessarily as one who is good at starting with a blank slate.

Interested? Please email me at alanhaley01 (at)

Alan H.

Message 12374#132465

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