The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Need criticisms for further refinement (warning: big post)
Started by: Supersonic Wind
Started on: 8/22/2004
Board: Indie Game Design

On 8/22/2004 at 11:31pm, Supersonic Wind wrote:
Need criticisms for further refinement (warning: big post)

I've written this system up during my freetime to play with some friends of mine. I posted the skeleton of this system up on this board a few months back. I tweaked & pinched & poked & burned at it for a while and I think it's almost done. I would like for some critiques on it so I can fix any problems I might have forgotten or overlooked. Thank you very muchly.

Here goes.

Basic Rules:
Add ratings of Qualities & Aspects, taking Restrictions into account. Roll 2d10, difference between the scores must be equal to or less than sum of Q & A, if the difference between the dice is within your rating in the skill, the action succeeds. If it is above & beyond your capabilities, the action fails. Restrictions add or subtract diffuculties to rolls, the harder an action is (fighting on unstable ground, breaking into a building with an active alarm system) the more is taken away from the sum of your Q & A. The easier an action is (fixing your car with ample lighting & a diagram of your car in view) the more is added to your sum.

Roll appropriate Quality & Aspect traits. Apply weapon and/or penalty Restrictions, if successful, apply Weapon Lethality for damage.

Aspects are the physiological makeup of your character.
Brain: Measurement of intelligence & mental state.
Bone: Withstanding physical distress
Muscle: Raw physical strength & overall fitness
Nerves: Reaction time, dexterity & stress endurance
Skin: Physical appearance & social traits.
Heart: Measures physical endurance & emotional strength

Aspect Ratings:
1-Horrid 2-Terrible 3-Poor 4-Okay 5-Good
6-Better 7-Great 8-Terrific 9-Incredible 10-Phenomenal

Player will also have access to Will & Vigor, two pools used for the application of special abilities such as magic, psionics, superpowers, etc. As well as for more mundane challenges.

Will - Inner drive & determination. Used for fueling mental & some physical special abilities.

Using Will:
Negate pain penalties for a turn
Powering most magic, psionic & like special abilities
Increasing accuracy for ranged attacks

Spectacular successes or other encouraging events can restore Will.

Vigor - Physical energy & fatigue. Used for powering feats of physical ability.

Using Vigor:
Spend for a last-minute dodge against an attack
Increase damage slightly on melee & unarmed combat
Advance Initiative

Resting for three turns restores one point of Vigor. Getting a sound eight hours of sleep restores all Vigor.

Instead of having a separate rating for Health, damage is recorded by notching Aspects. The more damage sustained causes the Aspect to deplete, resulting in injury penalties, unconsciousness or death. This can lead to temporary or permanent disabilities such as nerve damage, neurosis or broken bones.

The five physical senses determine your perspective abilities, someone with a rating of 1 in a Sense would be blind, deaf, anosmic, etc. Someone with a high enough rating could be a master chef or professional perfumer. Each character has the five basic Senses,

Sight - Hearing - Touch - Smell - Taste

Some races may have additional Sense, such as the ability to "see" Heat, detect Danger or perceive the use of Magic.

Sense Ratings:
1-Nonexistant 2-Awful 3-Poor 4-Okay 5-Good
6-Great 7-Keen 8-Superb 9-Excellent 10-Phenomenal

Qualities are skills, abilities & talents, inherent & learned, that gets you through ordinary life. And unordinary life ;) With them, you can conquer mountains, woo your love, stave off sickness, & fight for dear life. Each Quality has a set of Sub-Qualities that expands & details the extent of your abilities. Distribute points into initial Qualities, then trickle down into the Sub-Qualities.

Quality Ratings:
1-Unskilled 2-Student 3-Learned 4-Capable 5-Great
6-Talented 7-Expert 8-Authority 9-Mastery 10-Peerless

--Player would provide any schools of knowledge their character has studied.

--Fighting: Skill in a specific form of unarmed combat.
--Archery: Skill with the bow & arrow.
--Arms: Skills dealing with the use of various firearms.
--Melee: Skill with handheld weaponry.
--Artillery: Skill with the use of heavy firearms.

--Culture: Knowledge of refined practices.
--Arts: Intuition about aesthetic principles.
--Flirting: Intimate socialization with the preferred sex.
--Charm: How well you can get people to like you.
--Style: Keeping up with the new trends & fads.
--Manners: Proper etiquette.
--Grooming: Making yourself look attractive.
--Bluff: The art of lies & bullshit.
--Disguise: Making yourself look unrecognizable.

Science & Technology
--Player would provide the appropriate scientific discipline their character has studied.

--Athletics: Basic physical aptitude.
--Strain: Enduring prolonged physical burdens.
--Power: The use of raw physical force.

--Vitality: How well your body heals itself.
--Immunity: How well your body resists toxins & diseases.
--Stealth: You’re a sneaky-sneaky bastard.
--Stress: Coping with situations beyond your control.
--Intimidation: Getting people to see things your way.

--Investigation: The study of criminal acts.
--Law: Knowledge in matters of legality & law enforcement.
--Larceny: Collected skills for use in illegal situations.

--Drive: Usage of land vehicles.
--Piloting: Usage of air vehicles.
--Riding: Usage of animal-based transportation.
--Navigation: Usage of water-based vehicles.

--First Aid: Administering basic medical help.
--Medicine: Skills & knowledge in matters of healing.
--Surgery: Getting down to the nitty-gritty of medicine.

Message 12389#132635

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...started by Supersonic Wind which Supersonic Wind participated Indie Game Design
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...from around 8/22/2004

On 8/23/2004 at 3:38am, Andrew Martin wrote:
Re: Need criticisms for further refinement (warning: big pos

Supersonic Wind wrote: Basic Rules:
Add ratings of Qualities & Aspects, taking Restrictions into account. Roll 2d10, difference between the scores must be equal to or less than sum of Q & A, if the difference between the dice is within your rating in the skill, the action succeeds. If it is above & beyond your capabilities, the action fails. Restrictions add or subtract diffuculties to rolls, the harder an action is (fighting on unstable ground, breaking into a building with an active alarm system) the more is taken away from the sum of your Q & A. The easier an action is (fixing your car with ample lighting & a diagram of your car in view) the more is added to your sum.

Could you give an example of this please? The explanation above is unclear to me.

Why is your system better than, say, Fuzion which has a 1 - 10 rating for skills and attributes?

What happens in situations when a character doesn't have an applicable Aspect (or attribute)?

Why is that "1" is Horrid for Aspects (or attributes) yet for Senses, "1" means "Nonexistent"? Wouldn't 0 be a better choice for "Nonexistend"?

Are rating names more important or less important the the rating numbers? Which would you prefer players and their characters to use, in character or out of character?

Message 12389#132646

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Andrew Martin which Andrew Martin participated Indie Game Design
...including keyword:

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...from around 8/23/2004