The Forge Reference Project


Topic: DC Area Playtesters Needed
Started by: xiombarg
Started on: 8/23/2004
Board: Connections

On 8/23/2004 at 3:42pm, xiombarg wrote:
DC Area Playtesters Needed

One of the cells of the top secret "Righteous Group" -- known to its members as simply "the RG" -- is just now finishing up its first mission, infiltrating and compromising the terrorist group Black September.

Now is your chance to join the team, to perform top-secret anti-terrorist missions in the complicated, post-9/11 world. Is it possible to keep your moral center in the high-stakes world of espionage and assassinations?

This is a non-cinematic, gritty game using the Unsung system. If you're interested in playing, please PM me. You need to be in the greater Washington, DC area or willing to get there. We usually play near College Park, near a Metro stop if you need to be picked up.

To give you some idea of what's up with this game, here's a comment from one of the players:

Is it possible to keep your moral center in the Righteous Group? Probably. Is it likely? Not really.

Let's see, we've goosed a contact, killed a (theoretically) friendly agent, kidnapped and black-boxed another friendly agent, goosed some poor activist, shot an innocent kid, and blown up a BMW. A BMW!!! I need a drink.

Message 12396#132690

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On 9/29/2004 at 2:24am, Adorame wrote:

If I didnt live your game everyday Id certainly be interested :) My wife and I are both DHS and live in Alexandria. We have a system thats been in design for eight years now so we are in a similar situation looking for DC area beta testers. If you want to hook up for coffee sometime let me know. we can go over our systems.


Message 12396#137734

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On 9/29/2004 at 1:13pm, Vaxalon wrote:
RE: DC Area Playtesters Needed

Have you asked on the DCRPG Yahoo list? I don't recall seeing a post there about this, but I could be having anti-hallucinations, that is, NOT seeing things that ARE there.

Message 12396#137780

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