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Topic: Eat Pussies for the Gods
Started by: smokewolf
Started on: 8/24/2004
Board: Indie Game Design

On 8/24/2004 at 3:09am, smokewolf wrote:
Eat Pussies for the Gods

Ha, beat ya to it Bob.

New Game Concept

Type: Card game
Premise: Prove your devotion to the gods by showing them how far you will go to debase yourself in their name.

Game Play: The game plays like War in which each player lays down a card each turn and the highest scoring card wins the trick. Each turn lasts until someone can no longer lay down a successively higher card (meaning that it may go around the table more than once). That person then throws in a token and the person who laid the last highest card gets that token. The object would be to get all the tokens.

Gimmick: Eat card has a an act on it (such as Eat Pussy, Choke the Chicken, etc) and a picture to go along with the act. However, the picture is a literaly translation of the act. So Eat Pussy shows someone eating a cat, Choke the Chicken shows someone choking a rooster, etc.

Message 12407#132797

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On 8/24/2004 at 3:35am, Andrew Martin wrote:
Re: Eat Pussies for the Gods

smokewolf wrote: Game Play: The game plays like War in which each player lays down a card each turn and the highest scoring card wins the trick. Each turn lasts until someone can no longer lay down a successively higher card (meaning that it may go around the table more than once). That person then throws in a token and the person who laid the last highest card gets that token. The object would be to get all the tokens.

Reverse it. Make it so that the lowest (or most debased) card wins the trick. :)

Message 12407#132801

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On 8/24/2004 at 3:48am, smokewolf wrote:
RE: Eat Pussies for the Gods

Good point

Message 12407#132802

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On 8/24/2004 at 4:35am, jdrakeh wrote:
RE: Re: Eat Pussies for the Gods

smokewolf wrote: Ha, beat ya to it Bob.

Wasn't the idea to come up with a game that effectively reverses the roles assigned in kill puppies for satan (that is, eat kittens for christ? That's pretty much what I got from Bob. If so, I have to be honest - I'm not sure that you've beat Bob to anything other than creating a game that has almost nothing to do with the themes and ideas presented in kill puppies for satan. Really, the only connection that I'm seeing to kpfs is a crude spin on the title here.

Message 12407#132806

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On 8/24/2004 at 4:44am, smokewolf wrote:
RE: Eat Pussies for the Gods

Actually we were just BSing when we came up with the joke. It seemed like all the good selling games at the con were ones with the oddest names and such (no disrespect intended). After 4 days we were trying to figure out ways to get more than a handful of sales. Thats where the idea for Eating Pussy for Christ (the original name) came from (as well as the idea of Luke doing the forward for Bobs next game).

I did mean it as a play on the KPfS game but only in title (I am not sure what angle Bob is working on though, he may be treating it that way; he is using the title - Kill Kittens for Krist). At the con we hadn't even discussed anything about it, it was more of a running joke than anything. But a 5 hour drive home can play funny tricks on a man. Who knows where it will lead.

Message 12407#132807

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On 8/24/2004 at 3:08pm, Bob Goat wrote:
RE: Eat Pussies for the Gods


Kill Kittens for Khrist is my tribute to Kill Puppies for Satan. Like Keith said, we were just kinda joking around at the Con, but now I think I am actually going to write it up. I even have a rough of the game, which I will post in another thread. Think of it as a cathartic exercise by folks at the Forge booth who didn't sell as well as the top designers...


Message 12407#132860

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On 8/26/2004 at 7:15pm, Gamskee wrote:
RE: Eat Pussies for the Gods

Technically, wouldn't "Resurrecting/Making Kittens for Christ" be a closer reverse? I could see this sickeningly annoying game where in you try to give away as many cute kittens to people as possible to try and cheer their lives. Animal Resurrection abilities would put them as pretty much put them on the exact opposite side of the KPfS people.

Message 12407#133385

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On 8/26/2004 at 10:22pm, Bob Goat wrote:
RE: Eat Pussies for the Gods


It isn't really meant to be an opposite to Vincents wonderful game. More like our tribute to it. We are just two bitter Keiths who wish they had captured lighting in a bottle for GenCon. If there is another No Press Anthology next year I might seriously consider writing this thing up...


Message 12407#133415

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On 8/28/2004 at 10:47pm, btrc wrote:
RE: Eat Pussies for the Gods

Verb Noun Reason sounds an awful lot like a supplement for F*ck This!

Kill Puppies for Satan
Eat Kittens for Christ
Mangle Ferrets for Yahweh
Bash Budgies for Buddha



Message 12407#133782

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On 8/30/2004 at 12:17am, JamesSterrett wrote:
RE: Eat Pussies for the Gods

Well, for my sins, this thread proved inspirational this morning.....

Click Here for the thread

Corinne insisted that I edit out all the black humor and sarcasm, and leave it for the players to insert themselves.

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Topic 133890

Message 12407#133891

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