The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Gencon...from a customer
Started by: Don D.
Started on: 8/24/2004
Board: Conventions

On 8/24/2004 at 5:46am, Don D. wrote:
Gencon...from a customer

The Forge area at Gencon was very cool, and I plopped down my hard earned cash for TROS and the Monster Burner (would have spent more if credit cards had been excepted).
I sure wish a larger area could have been aquired for the demo tables though. Only 4 tables with so many games really made it hard to catch a demo of a specific game. I almost was able to get a Burning Wheel demo but then they told Luke, "no, we need that table for a different demo now" and I never did get that demo. Oh was cool to get to scan through some of the other Indie games available that I was not familiar with.

Message 12408#132810

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On 8/24/2004 at 9:40am, bigsimon wrote:
RE: Gencon...from a customer

I agree... the booth was well done. Had I not lost my wallet halfway through the con, I would have bought quite a bit more than I did. Still, I came away with the No Press Anthology, so I'm happy!

Message 12408#132825

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On 8/24/2004 at 5:16pm, rickr wrote:
RE: Gencon...from a customer

I agree, too -- it was very well done! I even got to sit in on one of the coveted demo tables and play a cool game of Universalis!

Message 12408#132887

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On 8/24/2004 at 5:34pm, jrs wrote:
RE: Gencon...from a customer

rickr wrote: I agree, too -- it was very well done! I even got to sit in on one of the coveted demo tables and play a cool game of Universalis!

I believe I was in that demo as well--corrupt New York mayor, Sicillian underground, kidnapped bride from the influential NY family. And, that you are the Rick that I met at the Indie RPG/Diana Jones Award ceremonies. If so, it was a pleasure talking to you and your father and having both of you visit the booth. It's also good to see you take the step from lurker to registered user.


Message 12408#132892

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On 8/24/2004 at 7:50pm, Andy Kitkowski wrote:
RE: Gencon...from a customer

jrs wrote:
rickr wrote: I agree, too -- it was very well done! I even got to sit in on one of the coveted demo tables and play a cool game of Universalis!

And, that you are the Rick that I met at the Indie RPG/Diana Jones Award ceremonies. If so, it was a pleasure talking to you and your father and having both of you visit the booth. It's also good to see you take the step from lurker to registered user.

Damn straight, because if you're that guy then the above applies to me as well- Andy K, the Indie RPG Awards Guy. I must have seen you come by the booth like 10 times, and each time I enjoyed answering your questions or showing you other new games. :-)

Message 12408#132921

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On 8/24/2004 at 9:00pm, rickr wrote:
RE: Gencon...from a customer

jrs wrote: I believe I was in that demo as well--corrupt New York mayor, Sicillian underground, kidnapped bride from the influential NY family. And, that you are the Rick that I met at the Indie RPG/Diana Jones Award ceremonies. If so, it was a pleasure talking to you and your father and having both of you visit the booth. It's also good to see you take the step from lurker to registered user.

Thank you! :) It was a pleasure to play in the demo with you -- I was really impressed by your ability and imagination.

Message 12408#132932

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On 8/24/2004 at 9:09pm, rickr wrote:
RE: Gencon...from a customer

Andy Kitkowski wrote: Damn straight, because if you're that guy then the above applies to me as well- Andy K, the Indie RPG Awards Guy. I must have seen you come by the booth like 10 times, and each time I enjoyed answering your questions or showing you other new games. :-)

Yep, that was me... I've found that there's an incredible synergy between all of the RPG designers in the Forge that really shows through in the finished products, and I ended up spending about half of my "GenCon cash" at the Forge booth. Good stuff!

Andy, I could swear I've seen you before at GenCon(s) in the past, but I can't remember the context. Of course, I always get the "oh yeah, I remember that person" feeling when I go to GenCon, but I can never remember anybody's names.

Message 12408#132935

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On 8/24/2004 at 9:32pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Gencon...from a customer

I've found that there's an incredible synergy between all of the RPG designers in the Forge that really shows through in the finished products

Yeah, as I pointed out to a few folks who dropped by the booth, the Forge is not a company, its not a publishing house, its not a label, its not a trade group, its just a community that has a tremendous amount of synergy.

That synergy drives a level of excitement and passion about game play and game design that people find appealing and so over the last few years "The Forge" has become something of a brand.

When people say "The Forge booth" or "A Forge Game" what they're keying on is that excitement and passion that comes from the synergy of our community. And that doesn't come from just the handful of members who were representing product at GenCon, it comes from all of the participants in the community including even the lurkers and those who drop by the booth for demos.

Its an atmosphere of fun and amazing game play that people crave. They see we have it here on the forums or in person at venues like GenCon and they want more of least I know I do.

Message 12408#132940

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On 8/25/2004 at 3:11am, Vaettyr wrote:
RE: Gencon...from a customer

I was also amazed by the energy of everyone at the Forge Booth. I bought a lot of games at GenCon, but the only ones I really regret not buying were from the Forge Booth. Being a broke college student will do that to you though I guess.

I also though the demo table was an amazing idea. I didn't really see any other booths that did that. Being able to talk to the creator about their game is really nice, though I could do that at probably half of the booths there. Being able to actually sit down with the creator, or someone else who is familiar with the game, and actually play it was amazing.

Message 12408#132993

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