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Topic: Continuum 2006
Started by: Mr Darran Sims
Started on: 8/24/2004
Board: HeroQuest

On 8/24/2004 at 3:05pm, Mr Darran Sims wrote:
Continuum 2006

Some good news for those of you that like to plan well in advance.

Loz Wrote:
On behalf of Continuum Central, I'm delighted to announce that Continuum 2006 will be held across the weekend of the 28th - 31st July at Beaumont Hall, University of Leicester.

Beaumont is a little further up Stoughton Drive South from Digby, on the opposite side of the road. It's an excellent venue and, from the committee's POV, much nicer than Digby (which is undergoing refurbishment during the 2006 summer recess). It has many spacious and very nicely appointed rooms for seminars and freeforms, and, like most of the halls of residence, convenient blocks of accommodation.

One advantage of Beaumont is the availability of quite a few en-suite rooms (although there are still shared showers and bathrooms) - something Digby lacks.

Prices for 2006 are still to be determined, but we aim to keep them as competitive as possible. It's not possible to offer an indicative price as the University is reviewing the pricing schedule. However, given our long association with Leicester, we're confident of negotiating the very best deal and keeping the cost of the con in-line with Continuum 2004.

So, if you want to register your place now, please email me and you'll be added to the Membership List. Once costs are set, you will be notified, and the payment structure communicated.

Lawrence Whitaker E-mail Address: lawrenceDOTwhitakerATntlworldDOTcom

Here's to a Continuum every bit as enjoyable and successful as Continuum 2004!


Message 12412#132859

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On 9/29/2005 at 10:44am, Mr Darran Sims wrote:
Continuum 2006 Registration Open

Further information

Registration consists of two parts: Continuum Membership, which is £30, and then accommodation costs for the weekend, which are summarised below.

Continuum Membership: £30

Early-Bird discount: If you register for Continuum before 28th February 2006, we'll discount your membership by £5 to £25

Accommodation (prices per night)

Standard Room: £30

En-Suite: £35

Double: £70

If you book for all three nights – Friday, Saturday and Sunday – then the following discounted prices apply:

Standard Room: £75

En-suite: £90

Double: £180

We have a VERY limited number of double-rooms available (en-suite), allocated on a First Come, First Served basis. Booking a double room for all three nights qualifies you for the discounted rate of £180. All accommodation costs include the now legendary Continuum Breakfast (definitely to be experienced), and all rooms come with bed linen.

You can register in two ways: by downloading the registration form found on the website (, or via Paypal ( If registering via Paypal, use your account to make payment to: – and don’t forget to tell us what type of room, and for how many nights, you want to book.

Day Passes are available at £18 per day. You can pay for Day Passes in advance, and collect from Continuum Control during the Continuum weekend.

We look forward to seeing you all there!

Message 12412#180458

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On 10/1/2005 at 10:10am, Mr Darran Sims wrote:
Re: Continuum 2006

Greetings Continuees,

Now that we’ve officially opened regsistration, Continuum Central thought it would be a good idea to resurrect the weekly e-news letter to keep you posted with what’s happening.

Registering for Continuum has got off to a cracking start, and thank you to everyone who’s registered (and made payment) thus far.  At the time of writing we have 22 delegates which, given that registration has been open for less than 72 hours, is pretty good going.

Double Rooms
Double rooms have been going like the proverbial hot cakes: there are only 2 left, in fact, so if you are in desparate need of a double room, you’ll need to book quickly.

En-suite rooms are in better supply.  We have 50 reserved, but can secure more if needs-be.  En-suites have a walk-in ‘wet room’ arrangement which struck the committee as being pretty groovy.

We’re chuffed to announce that Greg Stafford is the first Guest of Honour to confirm his attendance at Continuum.  We’ll be making him work, of course, but we can tell you that he’s busy scouring his archives for some rare, unpublished works for unveiling at Continuum.  And he’ll be running a game or two – more on that as it develops.

Simon Bray and Martin Hawley are busy working on their ‘Griffin Mountain’ freeform, based on the Gloranthan classic of the same name.  Mark Galeotti has promised us a ‘Mythic Russia’ freeform, and we’re working hard to secure several others.  Keep an eye on the website for more info.

Yes, there’ll be an auction.  Rick Meints will be press-ganged into picking-up the gavel and making ‘Daughters of Darkness’ seem like the ‘must-have’ supplement.  More details on the auction, and other ‘selling/buying stuff’ events will follow in due course.

We’re busy keeping this up-to-date – and thank you to those who’ve pointed out missing or buggered links.  We think we’ve corrected them!  We’ve also taken steps to raise Continuum’s presence on the web, including improved search engine rankings, BBS plugs, and casual mentions wherever and whenever possible.  Aid this glorious mission by plugging everywhere you go…

Continuum Mentors
You’ll recall that we asked for volunteers to act as Mentors for those new to Continuum and/or conventions in general.  I’m pleased to announce that we’ve had a great response with Nick Brooke, Tressy Arts, Ken Rolston, Mike Gibb, Hannu Koku and Dan Barker offering their services.

All for this week.

The Continuum Committee

Message 12412#180755

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On 11/18/2005 at 12:46pm, Mr Darran Sims wrote:
RE: Re: Continuum 2006


Mongoose has finally released details on the new version of RQ.  Click here for more details.  Continuum will be supporting RQ with panels, seminars, demonstration games, tournaments and guests.  More news as things develop.

Many thanks to all those who’ve registered thus far.  A number of people have asked to reserve double rooms (which we have done), but have so far yet to officially register and pay.  As we now have a waiting list for doubles, I’d like to ask those who’ve made reservations to get in touch with me ASAP, or we may have to release those rooms to the waiting list.

Teelo Noori Poorbox
A few people have asked if there’s a Teelo Noori Poorbox fund for Continuum.  In fact, a few have already made a donation regardless (and we thank you!).  For the uninitiated, the Teelo Noori Poorbox accepts donations over and above registration to help us bring across Continuum’s Guests.  You can make a donation either when you register, when you come to the con, or at any point in between, by Paypal (note that you’re contributing to the Teelo Noori fund) or by cheque (payable to ‘Continuum’).

Continuum Book
We intend to produce another Continuum book for sale at the convention.  As these things don’t write themselves, we’d like to start soliciting contributions.  What we’re looking for is:

0  Artwork
0  Game articles
0  Fiction
0  Short scenarios
0  Whimsical pieces (recipes, song lyrics, or anything that takes your fancy)
For any of the games and worlds Continuum supports.  If you want to submit a piece, but are unsure what; or have something you think would make a good addition, then please drop me a line at

That’s all for this week.  Have a great weekend.

Continuum Central.

Message 12412#186575

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