The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Looking for artwork contributions - Final Twilight TCG
Started by: daMoose_Neo
Started on: 8/25/2004
Board: Connections

On 8/25/2004 at 2:02am, daMoose_Neo wrote:
Looking for artwork contributions - Final Twilight TCG

Heres the deal:

We at Neo Productions published Final Twilight, a trading card game, about two months ago, a little behind schedule. The game itself has opened to rave reviews- not a single person who has played has not liked it and it has even been compared to Magic among others (even had one of the higher-ups from Upper Deck's VS card game come back for a demo at GenCon, which he thoughly enjoyed!). Sales have been good for an unknown product, but mostly to individuals and dealing with Distributors is going slowly.

To help keep the interest in the game among players, expand the title, and help convince distributors its a worthy investment I want to finish the Trinity Premiere booster set. Problem is the slow or small sales, especially citing the high cost of artwork for card games.

What I'm interested in doing is finding artists who would be interested in donating a piece or two to the expansion product to help move the title along. The expansion is guarenteed to see print once I have artwork and contributors will recieve a full set of the Trinity Preview starter decks ($24 retail value) which are currently available and a special set of the expansion pack (around a $20 to $30 value).
I can be contacted by any interested parties for card listings and descriptions. Originals would be great, however if you have an original piece you would allow us to use for the game that would be equally welcome.
If accepted, Credit for the artwork is guarenteed. You would recieve the set of starter decks ASAP and the booster series come December or January, likely just before the public release of the set.

Anyone interested please e-mail me at
More information on the game itself is available on the game's website, listed in the signiture.
Thanks everyone and I look forward to replies ^_^

Message 12426#132976

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