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Topic: The Basic System V2
Started by: DarkForcePrime
Started on: 8/25/2004
Board: Indie Game Design

On 8/25/2004 at 7:57pm, DarkForcePrime wrote:
The Basic System V2

Well after a little bit of tweeking I have fixed most of The Basic System. For an updated rules set:

Something I fixed was character generation. We are now offering up character gen charts specific to character templates. So more action based characters will have higher stats than those who might not be action based.

In the newest TBS project we added special rules for demi-Gods. Too many people were crying over the fact a superhero could get killed by a machinegun. Deep Space will fix all that.

I am curious to know what people think of the system so far?

Message 12443#133171

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On 8/26/2004 at 11:10am, salkaner wrote:
RE: The Basic System V2

Well, I haven't played it yet, so I can olny base my opinion upon reading it.

Quite simple, I felle.

Maybe not SO simple, especially in character generations.

One thingl leaves me a bit astonished.

Why, if in the game you always use mai stat bonus negative... you need to write down the stat value (bonus +10) ?

And also.. I note you don't consider ina an opposite roll, any difficult modiefier (frex. if 2 PC are tryng to push a rock in opposite directions, but ono eof them has some oil on his feet...)

about the rest, I feel it's fine

Message 12443#133277

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On 8/29/2004 at 3:04pm, DarkForcePrime wrote:
RE: The Basic System V2

Something we did change in the new version (which got posted yesterday) is we make it clear about the different types of character generation. So where in the first PDFs it just showed different types and didn't forewarn you, TBS V2 states that there are 3 types and how they are covered.

The penalties all are in the difficulty chart. I suppose if you are working against someone and you are chasing a pig covered in grease, there could be personal disadvantage. That would be up to the GM. As for the Main Stat Bonus negatives, that has been changed back and forth so many times that we have just left it as is. People get the idea.

Right now I suggest checking out TBS V2:

In one of the newer TBS products is really shows what the system is about: [img][/img]

The core PDF is there to show people how it can fit into any game type. So if you like to roll for stats you can, play point based you can and so on.

It is also compatable with D20. The conversion notes can be found here:

Message 12443#133850

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...started by DarkForcePrime which DarkForcePrime participated Indie Game Design
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...from around 8/29/2004