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Topic: [Conspiracy of Shadows] The Lost South
Started by: Bob Goat
Started on: 8/27/2004
Board: Indie Game Design

On 8/27/2004 at 7:35pm, Bob Goat wrote:
[Conspiracy of Shadows] The Lost South


I've just started working on the follow up book to Conspiracy of Shadows, The Lost South and I was looking for some feedback from folks that have bought the game (there are a few of you out there). Basically, The Lost South is different approach to the whole Conspiracy thing. The Lost South itself is analog to the Middle East of the Middle Ages (much like Polian is to Eastern Europe). The difference is that instead of playing a few members of a Cell in the know, now you are members of a tribe. See the premise is the Conspiracy has won and controls the cities. Also it is much more out in the open with magic and such, like Arabian Nights. In essense it is my attempt to try and capture the feel of Lawrence of Arabia (honor of the noble savage vs a powerful and expanding banal civilization).

Not only will the book cover the societies of the South but it will offer an alternative to regular Cell creation (your tribe now), a tool-kit for creating a Conspiracy that is out and the open (the winners) and a modified magic system (based on pre-Islam arabian culture). However I also want to use this as an opportunity to revise the rule-set as it stands.

My question to those of you that have bought it (and if you haven't yet why not?) what kind of flaws do you see that I need to address?

Also, are there things that folks would like to see added or removed entirerly?


Message 12474#133617

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...started by Bob Goat which Bob Goat participated Indie Game Design
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On 9/5/2004 at 6:57pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: [Conspiracy of Shadows] The Lost South

Hi Keith,

It seems premature to me. I haven't had to play the game in depth, which will take time, and then there'd be dialogue about it among me, you, and folks who'd played it with their own groups ...

I'd like to help, but it really doesn't seem possible.


Message 12474#134852

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...started by Ron Edwards which Ron Edwards participated Indie Game Design
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...from around 9/5/2004