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Topic: Structuring a Dogs in the Vineyard Campaign
Started by: Paka
Started on: 8/29/2004
Board: lumpley games

On 8/29/2004 at 5:51am, Paka wrote:
Structuring a Dogs in the Vineyard Campaign

I've been thinking how I would work if it my current Dogs in the Vineyard one-shot turned into a campaign.

I think the first game should be in a town that is made up of the Faithful. They should learn the weight and responsiblity of their vocation.

Two other geographical points stand out, Bridal Falls and Back East. I think both would be essential for any game. It would be especially interesting to run a session or two Back East where their coats go nearly unrecognized and satanic railroad barons twirl their mustacheos while plotting their demise.

I think re-visiting towns where their judgement has been wrought lends itself to interesting opportunities too. It will be interesting to see the consequences of their judgements. I would want the players to help brainstorm on how the town will be since the Dogs' visit.

Letting my players know that the first game was like a TV series trailer was a fantastic way to really embed the idea in their minds. It worked. They got it.

It is a simple formula. Visit a town and solve the problem but the flavor in the game's text and the variants on the theme leave alot of room for some great games.

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On 8/30/2004 at 11:31pm, lumpley wrote:
RE: Structuring a Dogs in the Vineyard Campaign

Back in the soopaseekrit days, Tom and Jake riffed a wicked cool Back East campaign. It's just a couple of comments starting here, but dang.


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