The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Raiders of the Lost Object Demon
Started by: Alan
Started on: 8/30/2004
Board: Adept Press

On 8/30/2004 at 12:07am, Alan wrote:
Raiders of the Lost Object Demon

Hi all,

I just saw Exorcist and spent the movie, saying "okay, that's a possessor demon with cloak" and "that's an object demon that's also a necromantic token" etc. It was an thorougly enjoyable movie and had elements that inspired me to see the pulp genre, as reinterpreted by Raiders and the recent Mummy, in Sorcerer terms.

Indy can be seen with a Naive Lore desriptor, as could the woman academic in the Mummy. Father Merrin in Exorcist TB might well rate as an Adept at 4.

Want to play around with these ideas? Post em here.

Message 12511#133888

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