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Topic: Oh, the Humanity
Started by: Ole
Started on: 8/30/2004
Board: Adept Press

On 8/30/2004 at 8:52pm, Ole wrote:
Oh, the Humanity

I`m prepping my first game of Sorcerer, and need some help with Humanity.

First off, do NPCs follow the same rules for Humanity gain and loss as PCs?
The rules indicate that they do, but doesnt state it.

The back-story is of a coven in crisis due to inner and outer pressure and the loss of their (strong) leader. I was thinking about defining Humanity as sorcery. The problem is I cant really see what sort of actions should warrant Humanity checks and gain rolls. Studying sorcery would make sense, but my impression was that Humanity is about choices, not practice. I cant see what sort of choices should result in loss/gain, with this definition. Can anyone help me?

In the table on p.16 of sorcerer`s soul "sorcery" has been substituted for "mastery", is this supposed to be the the same definition? If not, how does it differ?
When "Humanity check" is mentioned there (s`s, p.16), does it mean a check to see if Humanity drops? Or does it mean a check with Humanity as an ability score?

One final, unrelated, question, do the demon in question have to be present during banish and punish rituals?

Message 12522#134052

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On 8/30/2004 at 9:45pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Oh, the Humanity



First off, do NPCs follow the same rules for Humanity gain and loss as PCs?
The rules indicate that they do, but doesnt state it.

If they're NPCs we care about at all, or whose Humanity is relevant to thte other people at the table, then I have them make rolls. I'm sure I've ignored a thug or two along the way.

The back-story is of a coven in crisis due to inner and outer pressure and the loss of their (strong) leader. I was thinking about defining Humanity as sorcery. The problem is I cant really see what sort of actions should warrant Humanity checks and gain rolls. Studying sorcery would make sense, but my impression was that Humanity is about choices, not practice. I cant see what sort of choices should result in loss/gain, with this definition. Can anyone help me?

Defining Humanity as sorcery is tricky. The example in the book is actually a little vague, so I need to clarify it to mean that it's using sorcery for emotional and personal goals as opposed merely to learning more and more weird stuff.

I suggest, however, that you consider using the default notion of Humanity as basic human empathy and the desire not to hurt others if you can help it. That is simpler and more easily grasped by players.

In the table on p.16 of sorcerer`s soul "sorcery" has been substituted for "mastery", is this supposed to be the the same definition? If not, how does it differ?

They are the same, which I hope I clarified above.

When "Humanity check" is mentioned there (s`s, p.16), does it mean a check to see if Humanity drops? Or does it mean a check with Humanity as an ability score?

Humanity check = roll Humanity against itself (or against demon Power, if relevant); failure means Humanity decreases by 1

Humanity gain roll = roll Humanity against itself (or against demon Power, if relevant); success means Humanity increases by one

Humanity as a score = roll Humanity against opponent's relevant score (e.g. Will)

None of these three kinds of roll can be the same thing; even if all three applied to a given situation, all three rolls would be made separately.

One final, unrelated, question, do the demon in question have to be present during banish and punish rituals?

Yes, the demon does have to be present. Certain perception abilities can be utilized for long-distance, if one wanted. Link, however, does not count.


Message 12522#134055

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On 8/30/2004 at 9:54pm, Old_Scratch wrote:
Re: Oh, the Humanity

Ole wrote: The back-story is of a coven in crisis due to inner and outer pressure and the loss of their (strong) leader. I was thinking about defining Humanity as sorcery. The problem is I cant really see what sort of actions should warrant Humanity checks and gain rolls. Studying sorcery would make sense, but my impression was that Humanity is about choices, not practice. I cant see what sort of choices should result in loss/gain, with this definition. Can anyone help me?

My first question would be: What are the demons in this setting? Demonic little imps bound in bottles who whisper maddening secrets? In this case, humanity could be sanity. Are they malign, diabolic intelligences, ala Faust that desire to endanger your soul? In this case, humanity could be ownership of one's own soul and their place in the world. Humanity zero would mean that their soul is forfeit to the powers of hell. Are demons sensate creatures craving the pleasures of the flesh - if so, then Humanity could reflect morality, and when humanity equals zero, the Sorcerer is lost in a frenzied pursuit of physical bliss.

Once you've defined what Sorcery is, which in my opinion is really this question: What are demons, then humanity becomes a bit clearer. Are they objects? Possessors? Parasites? Passers?

Once you've chosen a demon and the sort of themes it represents, when humanity tests are taken becomes a bit more apparent. In the first case, a humanity test could be taken when a ritual is performed to summon a little demonic imp into the womb of a sacrificial victim. In the Faustian setting, transgressing against others, such as offering a human sacrifice and soul to the demon to forestall one's own soul being forfeit could result in a humanity test. In the last setting, engaging in a orgiastic experience with one's own coven member and sibling and their affiliated demon could trigger a humanity test.

Care to share with us a bit more of your settings and ideas? The themes or inspirations that inform your setting? Eager to hear more...


Message 12522#134056

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