The Forge Reference Project


Topic: [Scarlet Wake] Play-Testers Needed
Started by: Ravien
Started on: 9/2/2004
Board: Connections

On 9/2/2004 at 8:36pm, Ravien wrote:
[Scarlet Wake] Play-Testers Needed


Some of you might know that a few months ago I released a version of my game, Scarlet Wake, for play-test. I received a bunch of responses and suggestions, and I have finally managed to implement all of them into a revision and completion of the play-test rulebook. This is now the official release of the Scarlet Wake play-test, coinciding with an actual complete website.

Scarlet Wake is game about pain, hate, and bloody revenge. With a strong focus on tactics, gambling, and inter-player competition, Scarlet Wake asks “Are you cool enough to be even cooler?” In Scarlet Wake, your character truly is limited only by your imagination.

The game is intended to be played over several nights, as player’s characters work towards killing those who have wronged them, and all who stand in their way. The game ends when all players have killed all those on their kill-list. Scarlet Wake was designed to work with between 3 and 6 players, but 4 players works the best. All players have their own characters, and all players are involved at all times.

The rulebook includes everything you will need to play. The rulebook will take you through creating your character, planning the challenges he/she will face, how to kill and do other stuff, how to improve your character, and how to make life harder for the other players, while keeping the game fun for all involved.

Things that I think are good about Scarlet Wake, which set it apart from other games:
--Binds (which are totally awesome)
--Everything you need for an entire game is written on your character sheet.
--The advancement mechanics encourage variety of play.
--Deceptively strategic and tactical. Looks way simpler than it is.
--Intense competition with no hostility or hard feelings, 100% gauranteed!
--Rules covering all levels of playing, from organizing a game, to seeing who kicks who how hard.
--Highly structured GM-less(full?) play.
--Extremely adaptable rules, allowing a huge variety of interpretations to suit your needs. Creative Freedom!
--Almost 100% genre-free, meaning you can play Scarlet Wake with zombie cops, vampire kings, angelic avengers, assassins, mages, or housewives without having to change a single rule. MORE creative freedom!!!
--It looks pretty.

So in short, the current SW rulebook is now available for download and play-testing. You should grab it here. There is one character sheet provided at the back of the rulebook, but you can dowload an individual character sheet here.

You can also now visit the Scarlet Wake website and the forums.


Message 12579#134509

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On 9/7/2004 at 1:28pm, timfire wrote:
RE: [Scarlet Wake] Play-Testers Needed

Would you be willing to do a playtest-swap (or whatever they're calling it these days)? I'm looking for playtesters myself...

Message 12579#134980

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On 9/8/2004 at 3:21am, Ravien wrote:
RE: [Scarlet Wake] Play-Testers Needed

Yep! My conditions are pretty simple: I'll give you at least as much feedback and playing as you give me, kinda like a tit-for-tat sorta deal.


Message 12579#135076

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On 9/11/2004 at 3:07am, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: [Scarlet Wake] Play-Testers Needed

Ben, count me in. It might take a while, but this game is definitely on the list.


Message 12579#135589

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On 9/11/2004 at 4:51am, Ravien wrote:
RE: [Scarlet Wake] Play-Testers Needed

Ben, count me in. It might take a while, but this game is definitely on the list.

Thanks Ron! Don't worry about how long it takes, I plan on play-testing this thing till I'm 100% satisfied that the final rulebook will be as flawless as possible.

Looking forward to hearing how it goes!


Message 12579#135594

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...from around 9/11/2004