The Forge Reference Project


Topic: A GNS model of Fading Suns ?
Started by: Manu
Started on: 1/20/2002
Board: GNS Model Discussion

On 1/20/2002 at 4:53am, Manu wrote:
A GNS model of Fading Suns ?


I thought I should pick your brains before launching into it, so here it goes:

What in your opinion would be a quick model/description of Fading Suns in terms of GNS, Premise, Exploration, etc...?

As I already stated, I loooove this game's setting, but hate the rules (even more so since I discovered Sorcerer) - So it's patching time !

Hey, as an afterthought, what would be the viability of FS as a Sorcerer setting? Could the Sorc system cut it, with or without demons?

Thank you!


Message 1258#11809

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On 1/22/2002 at 7:53pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: A GNS model of Fading Suns ?

FS seems to me to be pretty straightforward Sim. It has a premise that would be very suitable for Narrativist play, however. As a simulationist game the premise ends up getting lost a bit in the shuffle (did in the short game I ran). Then again, I probably didn't focus on it enough. In the end it became exploration of setting Sim, big time. Which it actually does pretty well, too, if you focus on it.

You'd probably be able to use Sorcerer for it if you were to focus heavily on one character type and come up wth conversions for that type and it's "demons" (Brother Battle?). Making a conversion that covered all character archtypes might not be so easy. And remember, that you are then playing the Sorcerer Premise in a FS setting, rather than playing the FS premise. Which would be a shame, because the whole Passion Play concept has a lot of potential, IMO.

If you wanted a Narrativist version that focused on the FS Premise in a Narrativist fashion, I'd imagine that making up whole new rules for it would be essential. I'm envisioning a Suffering mechanic or the like. ;-)


Message 1258#11971

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On 1/23/2002 at 9:07am, Manu wrote:
RE: A GNS model of Fading Suns ?

Hey Mike,

I agree with you, Setting Exploration big time. But I mean, look at all those kewl sourcebooks, right? =)

The idea I'm getting is using a Sorcerer/TQB hybrid...sounds cool, uh? I realized TQB had the same premise as the FS Passion Play, kinda Pendragon in space, so why not? the Pact with Destiny idea from the Arrakis Sorc thread would fit right in, as Ron pointed out to me, and I think such a system would fulfill my idea of an "eventually Narrativist" game (whew, how's that for linking a bunch of threads?).

So, I'm ready to get to work, but any input would be much appreciated, especially from FS/space opera fans, and of course Ron and James.

Message 1258#12008

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