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Topic: [Dogs in the Vineyard] New Gidea
Started by: Paka
Started on: 9/3/2004
Board: Actual Play

On 9/3/2004 at 5:31am, Paka wrote:
[Dogs in the Vineyard] New Gidea

Above is the link to the creation of New Gidea.

We talked about the game itself and I mentioned that I'd like this to be a five session game in total. I said that consider this a TV mini-series and the Serpent is the Big Bad (to use Buffy terms). They'll find him at the end of the series, but for now, just deal with the town in front of ya.

I'll write more later, including a purty short story like post on

My players are beginning to get the style I'm using for this game.

It ain't a murder mystery. Even tonight they were looking for clues, checking for the plot twists.

No, Seth really DID got on a murderous rampage, obsessed with the idea that violence could solve everything.

Yes, his sister was really raped by Shem, making Seth's rampage problematic.

But he killed Shem's innocent wife too.

Dammit, everything we've heard has been more or less true. There are no clues to pick out.

Now what? Now we do our job as Dogs and judge the sins of the weak.

I gave the the information as quickly as was possible and just let them deal with a town on the brink of riot. They were brilliant, ringing the Temple's bells and calling a town meeting. They sent the lynch mobs home and then set out after Seth.

Then they called the town together and shot Seth in the street.

It was beautiful.

This game isn't about figuring out what happened or how it happened. It is about knowing what happened and judging how to deal with it. It is about acting with a Licence to Kill from GOD, knowing that your bullets have divine mandate.

It has changed the way I GM and the way we think about gaming quite a bit.

New Gidea is the second session of a total of five. The Serpent's out there.

I've got some questions about between game stuff, specific questions that I will post on the Lumpley forums later, when I'm less burnt out.

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Message 12587#134566

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On 9/3/2004 at 5:47am, hix wrote:
RE: [Dogs in the Vineyard] New Gidea

Groovy. It's that sort of responsibility - to dispense justice, to actually make a moral decision - that people I play with (and me too) have always been reluctant to accept. Like how I imagine everyone would want to play the Captain in a Star Trek game and then freak out when they realise the magnitude of the decisions they have to deal with.

Cool to know that that weight is a focus of DitV.

Message 12587#134568

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On 9/3/2004 at 6:38am, Paka wrote:
RE: [Dogs in the Vineyard] New Gidea

Here's the thing:

You are not marshals, not the sheriff. You aren't cops.

You are the judge, jury and executioner. You are an Angel with a six-gun and you can see the Sodom and the Gomorrah in every town you see. But before you let the Desert Territory be turned into a pillar of salt you will kill whoever is pushing it in that direction.

Message 12587#134572

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On 9/3/2004 at 9:54am, Christopher Weeks wrote:
RE: [Dogs in the Vineyard] New Gidea

It sounds like maybe you need to give them a town where dragging someone into the street for execution would be overkill. Where it might even incite Pride in some of the onlookers. You'd hate for them to get used to solving every town with a bullet, right?


Message 12587#134591

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On 9/3/2004 at 3:02pm, bluegargantua wrote:
Re: [Dogs in the Vineyard] New Gidea

Paka wrote:

This game isn't about figuring out what happened or how it happened. It is about knowing what happened and judging how to deal with it. It is about acting with a Licence to Kill from GOD, knowing that your bullets have divine mandate.

This, right here, is pretty much why I've been drooling over this game since Vincent started talking about it.

For me, the fun part is: "Can I come up with a scenario where the Dogs are all pulling for different solutions to the problem?". I want to find out what happens when two (or more) people, who have Divine Mandate, have a difference of opinion on the solution to a problem.


Message 12587#134613

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On 9/3/2004 at 4:09pm, Manicrack wrote:
RE: [Dogs in the Vineyard] New Gidea

Christopher Weeks wrote: It sounds like maybe you need to give them a town where dragging someone into the street for execution would be overkill. Where it might even incite Pride in some of the onlookers. You'd hate for them to get used to solving every town with a bullet, right?


I am one of the group, and I have to say, this was our first execution.
OK, only out of 2 sessions, but still.
Also, my chrachter wanted to be sure on this, in the end Seth acknoledged that he had doen very wrong and even said that he deserved to die.

Our total bad ass gunslinger executed him then in a painless fashion in the street.

In our last session we had been a little too soft on the town, but this time, we used our liscence to kill apropiatly, I believe.
Of course, there are towns that are not of the faith and where you can't just go and execute people like that.


Message 12587#134629

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On 9/3/2004 at 4:32pm, Paka wrote:
RE: [Dogs in the Vineyard] New Gidea

Christopher Weeks wrote: It sounds like maybe you need to give them a town where dragging someone into the street for execution would be overkill. Where it might even incite Pride in some of the onlookers. You'd hate for them to get used to solving every town with a bullet, right?


I don't think they will. They were really torn about killing the man they killed and I'm not worried about their character becoming cold killing machines.

I'm not going to build the towns based on what I want them to do. I feel like that would be a mistake to build a town saying, "They can't just shoot THIS guy and walk away."

As I said, I'm not worried about them using the bullet every single time.

Message 12587#134632

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On 9/3/2004 at 5:09pm, ErrathofKosh wrote:
RE: [Dogs in the Vineyard] New Gidea

MORE.... please!

Your posts are driving me to one conclusion: I desperately need a copy of DitV.


Message 12587#134634

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On 9/3/2004 at 7:29pm, DannyK wrote:
RE: [Dogs in the Vineyard] New Gidea

I keep wanting to run a game entitled
"Reservoir Dogs in the Vineyard"

But, as a wise man once said, I should try playing the game as it's meant to be played before I start dragging it down to my level. :)

Message 12587#134658

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