The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Artist(s) needed for Dreamscape
Started by: Simon W
Started on: 9/3/2004
Board: Connections

On 9/3/2004 at 9:47pm, Simon W wrote:
Artist(s) needed for Dreamscape

I'm revising and updating my 24-hour rpg Dreamscape, with a view to selling it.

I will need an artist or two. I'd better be upfront and say that payment may be a bit limited, in view of my near empty purse. However, we may be able to come to some arrangement.

Anyone interested in getting involved should pm me please, after checking out the game.

(Please don't take the art that's already in the game as an example of the standard needed - that was done by me and my limited ability within a few hours!)

Simon W

Message 12599#134682

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