The Forge Reference Project


Topic: [Battleaxe] It's Done!
Started by: 16CBH
Started on: 9/7/2004
Board: Connections

On 9/7/2004 at 9:28am, 16CBH wrote:
[Battleaxe] It's Done!

We've posted version 1.0 of the Battleaxe RPG. Stop by and download it for free!

Message 12620#134971

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On 9/11/2004 at 8:06am, 16CBH wrote:
RE: [Battleaxe] It's Done!

We’re taking the next week off to spend time in the Sierra Nevada mountains. The Creeping Dead is in editing but may not be completed before we get on the plane Sunday morning. As such, I guess I should revise its release date to September 24th. Sorry everybody. Perhaps we can take time from our busy swimming and drinking schedules to expand the material. Another announcement, and this may be a bit premature, we have decided on the nature of the second full supplement for BRPG. It will deal with “sacrificial magic”, those spells that reduce a character’s attributes permanently in exchange for more powerful effects. Anyhow, we’ve no idea when this might come out, perhaps before Halloween. Thanks to everyone who has supported Battleaxe so far.

-- Doug Woolsey

Message 12620#135607

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On 9/22/2004 at 8:17am, 16CBH wrote:
RE: [Battleaxe] It's Done!

FYI: Version 1.02 is now available for download from

Message 12620#137065

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On 9/24/2004 at 12:23am, 16CBH wrote:
RE: [Battleaxe] It's Done!

The Creeping Dead, the first supplement for the Battleaxe RPG, has been released. This 29 page PDF includes information about the undead, orcs, elves, and humans of Maggodsteel and sheds light on the dark secret of Necromancy. New sample spells, equipment, adventure seeds, and adversaries are also included. The Creeping Dead is a free download from Sixteen Coal Black Horses.

Message 12620#137247

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...from around 9/24/2004