The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Daedalus e-zine from beyond the grave!
Started by: Matt Snyder
Started on: 9/7/2004
Board: Connections

On 9/7/2004 at 8:29pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
Daedalus e-zine from beyond the grave!

I will publish another issue of Daedalus on Halloween 2004.

The issue theme is horror in role-playing games. I'm eager for content (articles, whole games, supplements, editorials, etc.) related to that theme. However, all content is welcome; your contribution need not be related to horror.

The deadline for submissions is September 30! Get cracking! Please contact me at matt -at- with any questions or submissions.

Get ready to be creeped out about your games, folks!


If you are not familiar with the Daedalus e-zine, visit the web site. It is well worth your time as a role-player:

Message 12628#135033

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On 9/29/2004 at 8:11pm, Andy Kitkowski wrote:
RE: Daedalus e-zine from beyond the grave!

How are submissions going, Matt? Does it look like Daedalus Drei is gonna come out as scheduled?


Message 12628#137876

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On 9/29/2004 at 8:28pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: Daedalus e-zine from beyond the grave!

Yes, the issue is on schedule, and we've got a number of submissions in hand already (including a new game from Jared Sorensen). It's shaping up nicely.

The deadline is tomorrow, folks! IF you've got a short essay or "op-ed" type piece, or a handy review, I'd be happy to include it. Send it to: matt -@-


Message 12628#137880

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...from around 9/29/2004