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Topic: [Dungeons/Dummies] Experimental Die Mechanics & Rambling
Started by: daMoose_Neo
Started on: 9/12/2004
Board: Indie Game Design

On 9/12/2004 at 4:59am, daMoose_Neo wrote:
[Dungeons/Dummies] Experimental Die Mechanics & Rambling

Gawd I love selling cell phones. Get paid for 8 hours of listening to idiots, reading 'Dune' books and chucking dice!

1) Experimental Dice Mechancs - Challenge Resolution
This comes in part after reading a number of Elfs Actual Play posts and some notes on Ron's original ideas. Might be able to salvage one. This is talking strictly the mechanics of it, I have some other ideas on actual use I'll fill in-

kk - here it is:
1) During chargen players can buy dice, 6 siders, up to 3. (Other ideas were tossed in about 'upgrades', paying later to upgrade to d8 and d10's)
2) Challenges would consist of 2 values: first, the number of dice used, second the difficulty of the challenge (thinking 1-4, maybe 1-6).
On a Challenge Roll, players may roll all of their dice, selecting the best (1,2 or even 3) of their rolls (1 die for a 1 Challenge, 2 for a 2 Challenge etc). If their stat applies, they would add that.

ie: a 2 die challenge with a 4 difficulty. Player rolls 3d6 with a roll of 3, 5, and 2. The player takes the 3 and 5 as the highest rolls.

Here's where I'm floundering-
To beat the challenge, should it work:
a) Get all dice used to beat the difficulty? (adding my bonus then to the 3 to make it higher than 4, giving me two successes)
b) The GM/Master rolls xd6 + Difficulty vs Player rolls xd6 + Skill (so 8 + Stat vs 2d6 + 4)

Other notes:
The player, at the start of the challenge, would state what they want, in general, to happen. Then they would state a best case scenerio (free of Imp interfearance) and another scenerio (where it would still occur, but with an Impish twist).
A natural 1 or 6 on ANY die, used or unused, constitutes an Imp twist. A 1 is a more negetive approach (On a success it occured, but not as intended, on a failure it never even came close) while a six is a positive twist (the best case scenerio on a success, very close on a failure).

Very very very rough stuff - 8 hours of chucking dice and ponderage. Need to actually test it out (I just got home and wanted to record the ideas ^_^)
Definetly want to play with it more, as this doesn't lend itself to Imp twists at all.

2) Ponderage - Lots of Splat/Players Guide-styled Books!
Okay, anyone who has seen me post around or knows my feelings with designing Twilight knows there's one thing I hate: lots of "additional" material produced and marketed so you can't play the game (or feel you can't play the game) without tons of additional stuff.
As a slight parody, as I want to do this whole thing PDF anyhow, I wanted to run with several little ideas and produce some good, specific material with its own good laugh.
One concerns a 'demon' that was created, the Emera Demon- he cooks. We were tossing around ideas for various monsters and suddenly ended up on a food-Golem kick. Thus sprang forth the idea of "Cooking with Emera!" - A Cookbook-styled book on a variety of Golems for inclusion in the game.
Also, another demon, Leptocay Leftius Podia Apperalum (aka Socks, the demon who steals left socks), somehow jotled conversation on other demons (hence the Emera Demon) and other "demonic" entities. Somehow we ended up with an interesting idea: do a book on the higher level, more powerful demons of Heck, and produce it as a travel brochure.
If I can do this, odds are you'd be buying a PDF pack of like 5 "books" for $5 or so, so its not total rippage, just a group of SEVERAL source books and optional (specify: OPTIONAL) material.

Anywho, just some more notes. Will commence working on the morrow- sleep calleth!

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On 9/12/2004 at 2:20pm, daMoose_Neo wrote:
RE: [Dungeons/Dummies] Experimental Die Mechanics & Rambling

For reference: Original Dungeons for Dummies thread

On second reading with a clearer mind and a cup o'joe, thinkin swapping the Imp/not Imp results, so that a 1 or 6 indicates a real success or failure, while the rest is just imps screwing up. Course on a "real success" a victory dance or celebration would be required ("It worked?" *gasp* "IT WORKED!" *all do dance, completly ignoring the adventurers squeezing their way out of the trap and glaring at the group of dancing idiots*) like the victory dance part...^_^

Get to test this out for like 8 hours again today, so mebbe I'll have something useable when I get home, who knows.

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On 9/13/2004 at 1:01am, daMoose_Neo wrote:
RE: [Dungeons/Dummies] Experimental Die Mechanics & Rambling

Hmmkay - trying this:

d6 per 'level' of an Imp + 1 Imp die

The Imp die determines Imp failure or Imp success- 1 = Imp Failure, 6 = Imp Success
Bonuses will generally apply to the Imp die, guiding toward an Imp failure or success.
An event can have a success, but an Imp failure (meaning the Imp blew it, though the end result did happen).
Also, debating on the stat (which would be Level d6 + Imp + Stat) and how to use it as well. Working on pulling things together for a play test soon.

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