The Forge Reference Project


Topic: [Timestream] Playtesters (Finally) Wanted
Started by: Nathan P.
Started on: 9/12/2004
Board: Connections

On 9/12/2004 at 8:31pm, Nathan P. wrote:
[Timestream] Playtesters (Finally) Wanted

Hey guys,

A couple months ago I started work on Timestream, a game of spiffy narrative-based time travel. I was in and out of the forums for a bit, but I don't necessarily expect to ring any bells, this coming after a summer of not-very-much internet access.

Be that as it may, I've been working on the game for the last couple months, and it's finally in a form that I feel is ready for criticism. So I'm putting out the call for playtesters or cold readers - basically, any feedback I can get would be wonderful.

Why I think you should check out the game:

- It supports a very wide array of character concepts and abilities, suitable for play in any time period you can imagine.

- It clocks in at about 30 pages, and the rules covered everything I that came up in my own playtest group. The amount of flexibility here is pretty damn good.

- It's designed to play like reading a book or watching a movie. Recreate The Time Machine or Back To The Future, or make up your own story.

- Time travel is cool.

- Integrated GM-less play, for those who are into that.

- Playtesters get a good deal on a copy of the final published version.

- I'll read yours if you read mine. I don't have the time or ability to actually play right now, but I'll read your work-in-progress and give you feedback on it.

- There's more than just Time Travel - Temporal Manipulation is tons of fun too!

- Don't take my word for it. Check out some old versions in the Downloads section of my website. See if they tickle your fancy.

So there ya go. PM or email me if you're interested, or have any questions. Thanks.

Message 12695#135699

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