The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Let the CAT out of the Bag
Started by: Bailywolf
Started on: 1/23/2002
Board: Wicked Press

On 1/23/2002 at 12:33am, Bailywolf wrote:
Let the CAT out of the Bag

First off, I'm so so sorry for the title of this post... but someone had to do it.

Secondly, please do it.

I'm not too keen on another fantasy game, Orcworld/Elfworld is neat an all that but for me... :shrug: mah.

However, Cat seemed pretty damned cool and a bit outside the (litter) box... -oh, sorry again- and I'd quite like to see some more of it.

So, what's up with Cat? When can I give money in exchange for it?

Message 1276#11985

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On 1/23/2002 at 12:40am, Blake Hutchins wrote:
RE: Let the CAT out of the Bag

C'mon, John:

Cat got your tongue?

Seriously, I'd also love an update.



Message 1276#11986

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On 1/24/2002 at 3:58am, tbrierly wrote:
Chorus of CATs

My four cats and I are anxiously awaiting CAT. They are looking forward to a RPG we can all play.
Thank you!

Message 1276#12102

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