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Topic: EABA lite?
Started by: btrc
Started on: 9/18/2004
Board: Indie Game Design

On 9/18/2004 at 12:55pm, btrc wrote:
EABA lite?

I've been working on an introductory version of the EABA system as a free download for people, as well as trying to make a version of the mechanics that can be used with a LARP or "on the road", an RPG that you can play/ref while driving, walking, or whatever. The idea is to make a system that does these things (which means it isn't EABA), yet is -compatible/convertible- with the main EABA rules and uses the same rule concepts, so that if people like the 'lite' version, they'll like the full game.

I've got a first draft at:

if anyone is interested on commenting on it.

Greg Porter

Message 12773#136606

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On 9/18/2004 at 1:20pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: EABA lite?


I sense the lurking spectre of Epiphany!

Is there any way to put physical combat and weaponry on the same abstraction level as powers and magic? At present, the focus on distinguishing among a sword, a dagger, and an axe seems almost whiplash-inducing. I'd suggest a blanket +1 or -1 as seems reasonable per weapon and per situation, without listing'em all out.

I also suggest removing the whole idea of point-balancing in the advantages and disadvantages. Instead, something like "choose up to four traits, positive or negative as you see fit," and taking it from there, reaches the same end.


Message 12773#136609

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On 9/20/2004 at 6:58am, psychophipps wrote:
RE: EABA lite?

Just noted a typo. When you describe power levels in points you give the descriptor "average person" twice instead of "average person" and "slightly heroic".

Mark(psycho)Phipps( HAHAHA! )

Message 12773#136731

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On 9/20/2004 at 7:02am, psychophipps wrote:
RE: EABA lite?

Looks great to me!

Mark(psycho)Phipps( HAHAHA! )

Message 12773#136733

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On 9/23/2004 at 3:55pm, salkaner wrote:
RE: EABA lite?

Well, I don't know EABA, so I only can consider the lite itself.

After a quick look on the system, I feel it's fine, bute I have a few notes.

It's not clear how wealth works. What's an "item wealth? Its cost?

About the skills, you seem to suggest every skill is related with an attribute. But why don't state what's the attribute of each skill?

Message 12773#137184

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On 9/23/2004 at 7:18pm, btrc wrote:
RE: EABA lite?

It's not clear how wealth works. What's an "item wealth? Its cost?

About the skills, you seem to suggest every skill is related with an attribute. But why don't state what's the attribute of each skill?

Looks like I'll have to use a smaller font or smaller words! Was trying to keep the format to 8 pages (two 11x17 sheets), and that necessitated a certain terseness.

I'll being going back over the various suggestions this weekend and working up a second draft.

Greg Porter

Message 12773#137214

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On 9/27/2004 at 5:12pm, btrc wrote:
EABAanywhere & PDA question

I've got a second draft of the rules up at:

Thanks for the comments. They helped quite a bit.

Between the comments here and on the EABA Yahoo group, hopefully improved it to a more "release ready" state. Ron's suggestions notwithstanding, I'm leaving in the point balancing and melee details, as these are things people will need to be comfortable with if they "move up" to EABA.

The name was changed to reflect its design goal (a mobile system) and to lessen any confusion about it "being EABA". It's highly compatible, but not -quite- EABA.

On a related note, does anyone have any experience or suggestions for making a tiny-screen version for pdf-compatible devices like phones and PDA's? I'd love to make a version that you can stick on your phone...


Message 12773#137521

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On 9/28/2004 at 5:00am, psychophipps wrote:
RE: EABA lite?

My question is why didn't you just name it, EABAnywhere? Just seems like that extra "a" just sort of hangs out all by itself. End All, Be Anywhere system seems to also match the premise of it's creation.

Just a thought,
Mark(psycho)Phipps( HAHAHA! )

Message 12773#137598

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On 9/28/2004 at 11:17pm, Lee Torres wrote:
Character Sheet Graphic

In your example "Making An Adventurer" graphic on page 1 Aldus Firebrand has no dots assigned in strength, and in the next section following you indicate that all attributes must have at least one dot. Since this has been the same through EABA Lite and EABA Anywhere, is this an oversight or intentional?

Based on Aldus having a health score of 6, I'm guessing there should be three dots in strength (with a Health of 3)?

Message 12773#137719

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On 9/28/2004 at 11:27pm, btrc wrote:
RE: EABA lite?

In your example "Making An Adventurer" graphic on page 1 Aldus Firebrand has no dots assigned in strength, and in the next section following you indicate that all attributes must have at least one dot. Since this has been the same through EABA Lite and EABA Anywhere, is this an oversight or intentional?

That's a typo. I'll go back and tweak the file later.


Message 12773#137720

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On 10/12/2004 at 4:57pm, btrc wrote:
RE: EABA lite?

It's all polished up and released, under the title EABAnywhere. If anyone wants one, zip over to the EABA part of the BTRC page ( and click the link on the left-hand side of the page. I think the direct file link is:

Thanks for the feedback!


Message 12773#139280

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