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Topic: [Fingers] Gamesystem review
Started by: Nazzi
Started on: 9/20/2004
Board: Indie Game Design

On 9/20/2004 at 5:32pm, Nazzi wrote:
[Fingers] Gamesystem review

Hi there. I just worte a RPG witch should achieve several goals. Fisrt of all is shared GMing, based ona series of random events creted by the players at the begining of each session. Simple sistem, simple charcter creatin with wide oporinuties for character advancment.

Ok here is the link,

The game is free. So play it, all you like.

Message 12796#136802

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On 9/20/2004 at 5:55pm, timfire wrote:
RE: [Fingers] Gamesystem review

Your game's not too bad, though I would suggest you make a few clarifications.

First, How many concepts can a charater have? I realize that technically that depends on the number of tiers the character has, but you may want to mention how many concepts the character should have.

What happens when a character loses all their tiers? Are they dead? I would suggest that you drop your other damage rules and say that a character dies when they run out of tiers. When appropriate, you can just narrate losing a tier as receiving a wound.

I would clarify what equipment can and can't do, or rather, what are the limits of equipment? If I'm playing fantasy, is there anything stopping my knight from having a Sacred-Sword-of-the-One-Ture-that-destroys-Anything? Can I pick any number of items I want? I would suggest that equipment be a concept, and you have to spend tiers on it.

Oh, and you have ALOT of typos. You should make another run over the document.

[edit]And have you checked out the Pool? Your game is very similiar, and it might be interesting to check it out..[/edit]

Message 12796#136805

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On 9/20/2004 at 9:34pm, Nazzi wrote:
RE: [Fingers] Gamesystem review


Well first im sorry for the typhos, but i'm not english so i strongly depend on my spellcheker. Well, I'll clarify the equipment rule. but th egeneral idie that the character start with normal, non super equipment and gradualy pick advanced items as the game progresses. but that depends on the entire group, beacuse the game does not hava a singular GM its the vote of the majority that rules.

For concepts, I envisioned tham as only a conflict resolution system. Wounds should be described. Aslo I had an idea of writing a wound system.
E.G. Brusied - hurt at touch, can't lift heavy things... etc.

Here goes a character example.

Fingers character database

Hi, my name is Johnny Rico

I was born in Buenos Aires, my dad and mum were a pain in the ass but they were basically good. I was a star athlete for my high school football team. I’m good looking but it seems I never can realize if a girl is interested in me or not. I joined the military following my secret love, and ended fighting a stupid war. They even made a captain. Figure that.


Football star 4
Space marine leader 4
Failed Don Joan 2


Space marine armor – ok, this a solid protection almost against everything. It covers the torso, the shoulders and the head. It can resist single shoot from an assault rifle, but not burst. And the concussions will get you. It’s not good against Bugs, but hey you don’t have any better. It will still give a solid protection against rocks, cuts, swords and other paraphernalia. Just watch those limbs of yours.

Marine Assault Rifle MK2 – this is the most deadly personal firearm in the universe it contains fifty shoots per clip and can fire three hundred per minute. It has an effective range of three hundred meters, don’t try to shoot any more than two hundred because it isn’t as much lethal. It has two modes of fire, single or burst. Single is for pussies and executions, and it isn’t worth shit. Even your armor can resist it. Burst is another story, it can pass trough anything. It cuts trough Bug exoskeleton like butter. Your rifle is your best friend, remember that trooper.

Frag grenades (2) – blast radius of five meters, deadly in two. Will munch anything unprotected but will give you only a stun if in armor.

COM system – a link with all your soldiers. Range is 1 km, and its situated in the helmet.

Message 12796#136842

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On 9/26/2004 at 8:24am, Wilper wrote:
Re: [Fingers] Gamesystem review

Nazzi wrote: Hi there. I just worte a RPG witch should achieve several goals. Fisrt of all is shared GMing, based ona series of random events creted by the players at the begining of each session. Simple sistem, simple charcter creatin with wide oporinuties for character advancment.

Ok here is the link,

The game is free. So play it, all you like.

Right now the link points to a file on D: (file:///D:/Documents%20and%20Settings/nikola/My%20Documents/fingers/fingers_rpg.htm).

Actually I don't even have a D: on my computer. :-)

Message 12796#137427

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On 9/26/2004 at 5:35pm, Nazzi wrote:
RE: [Fingers] Gamesystem review

Ok, tnx and I'm sorry for the broken link. I've repaired it. So it should work fine now.

Message 12796#137439

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