The Forge Reference Project


Topic: RPG Forums Online
Started by: ozental
Started on: 9/23/2004
Board: Connections

On 9/23/2004 at 3:45pm, ozental wrote:
RPG Forums Online

I hope it's OK to do so but I wanted to introduce this forum to you: It's an online community for all things RPG, MUD and fantasy related, both for console and PC gaming, as well as pencil/paper RPGs, table-top games, stories and art-work.

Anything RPG or fantasy related is welcome here, whether it be just a place to hang out and chat about RPG topics, or to discuss the latest console game, or to chat about a film, book or trading card series. Contents include:

* The Forum: This is a bulletin board community whereby you can post messages for other members, or read and comment on posts submitted by others. There are many forum sections, including: Dragon Ball Z, Dungeons and Dragons, The Elder Scrolls, EverQuest, Final Fantasy, Golden Sun, The Legend of Zelda, The Lord of The Rings, Mega Man Battle Network, Might and Magic, Pokemon, Ragnorak, Ultima, Wizardry and Yu-Gi-Oh!, as well as 'off-topic' and site promotion sections.

* The Gaming Zone : This is a fun place to hang out, a place to play a variety of games. There are games like Hangman, The Lottery, Black Jack and even a place where you can have your fortune told. You can also get a job for any RPG characters you might have (see below).

* RPG World : This is where you can create your very own RPG character. RPG World is split into two sections: (1) Level 1 - ADR RPG and (2) Level 2 - Moogie's RPG.

(1) Level 1 - ADR RPG: Choose from one of 5 classes (fighter, druid, magician, monk or thief), 7 races (human, half-elf, half-orc, elf, gnome, hobbit or dwarf), 6 elemental types (water, earth, holy, fire, ice or wind) and 3 alignments (neutral, good or evil) to create your very own RPG character. Then you can buy and sell items and equipment, open up a shop, visit different areas (like the forge or courthouse) and battle monsters and other players. You can also buy your character a pet!

(2) Level 2 - Moogie's RPG: Choose from one of 5 classes (hero, mage, swordsman, thief or warrior) to create yet another RPG character. Then equip and train him/her to fight a variety of monsters or other players, auction items for the highest price possible or battle bosses. Oh, and the more you post, the higher the level you become.

* Downloads : This is a place where you can download files that other users have uploaded (or indeed, you can upload files yourself). This is primarily used for downloads of walkthroughts and FAQs for RPG games on GameBoy Advance (GBA), Playstation One or Playstation 2, GameCube, Xbox, N-Gage and other consoles.

* Calendar : This is a place where you can see and post important events. Perhaps this is the launch of a new RPG game, the launch of a new fantasy film or book, or just any day that is special to you.

If you can spare a few moments, please visit, register, post a few messages to introduce yourself or play our RPG games.

Thank you.

Message 12825#137182

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On 9/24/2004 at 2:42am, M. J. Young wrote:
RE: RPG Forums Online

From this, and less so from your post in the Site Discussion forum, I'm drawing the inference that this is mostly computer role playing games--console games, computer games, MUD/MUSH/MUX, MMORPG. I don't see much mentioned about "real" or "traditional" role playing games--you mention Dungeons & Dragons, and a couple of titles that exist as multiple games, but I don't see World of Darkness or GURPS (which on a guess I'd say are the second and third major games) let alone anything on the hundreds of other role playing games out there.

Have I missed something? I apologize for not taking the time to explore what from your description is a vast site; I don't have time to cover the RPG sites I do cover (RPGnet, Gaming Outpost, here) as well as I might like, and searching for something that isn't going to be there is not high on my list of things to do when I've got so much backed up as it is. I'd love to have a better understanding of what it is that distinguishes your site from the myriad of others, if only so I can tell people where to go for whatever that is. (RPG sites have definitely had to create individual identities to stay alive; CRPG sites have this problem at an even greater level, I'm sure.)

Thanks for the invite, anyway, and best of luck with whatever it is.

--M. J. Young

Message 12825#137256

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On 9/24/2004 at 10:35am, ozental wrote:
RE: RPG Forums Online

M. J. Young wrote: From this, and less so from your post in the Site Discussion forum, I'm drawing the inference that this is mostly computer role playing games--console games, computer games, MUD/MUSH/MUX, MMORPG. I don't see much mentioned about "real" or "traditional" role playing games--you mention Dungeons & Dragons, and a couple of titles that exist as multiple games, but I don't see World of Darkness or GURPS (which on a guess I'd say are the second and third major games) let alone anything on the hundreds of other role playing games out there.

Have I missed something? I apologize for not taking the time to explore what from your description is a vast site; I don't have time to cover the RPG sites I do cover (RPGnet, Gaming Outpost, here) as well as I might like, and searching for something that isn't going to be there is not high on my list of things to do when I've got so much backed up as it is. I'd love to have a better understanding of what it is that distinguishes your site from the myriad of others, if only so I can tell people where to go for whatever that is. (RPG sites have definitely had to create individual identities to stay alive; CRPG sites have this problem at an even greater level, I'm sure.)

Thanks for the invite, anyway, and best of luck with whatever it is.

--M. J. Young

Thanks for the comments. It's funny - someone else posted a similar thing the other day. Anyway, here's what I can answer re-uniqueness (copied from my responce to the other post)...

You are correct that there are many sites - too many sites in fact - but mine may be similar to others. I always believe that 'people' make a forum what it is and I hope that the people that visit my site and post are interested in topics that are there.

One thing different to many forums, but not all, is the RPG Zone section - where you can play an ADR RPG online. Sure I'm not the only one in the world with it but...who is 100% unique?

I suppose the only 100% unique thing of the site is 'me'. ;)

With regards to non-technology games or traditional games, well at the moment, the site is limited on that. It's an area that I'm not 100% sure of although I did play Warhammer for a few years.

The main reason for not having much in the forum itself on that is simply demand - no one has asked me before now, and I've not advertised the site too much for 'traditional' games. That is certainly something that can change but I guess I need people like yourselves to spearhead that side of the forum for me. :)

Message 12825#137267

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