The Forge Reference Project


Topic: [Genetisys] "File off Serial Numbers" or originali
Started by: daMoose_Neo
Started on: 9/23/2004
Board: Indie Game Design

On 9/23/2004 at 9:36pm, daMoose_Neo wrote:
[Genetisys] "File off Serial Numbers" or originali

While working on the most impish of games (Dungeons for Dummies), I was tossing around some ideas and dice at work when a fellow roleplayer suggested doing 1d6 per level of the imps (Normally they won't be too high as it is).
Later (working in the Cell phone booth in an electronics department), I was thumbing through the walkthrough of the Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire game...and noted something most interesting. The monster stats in the back weren't exact stats, they were approximations, rating of 1-4! 1d6 per rank!
Two and two clicked, some notes for my own "Pokemon" game came out and suddenly I had a rough idea!

After some more research on the games and the coding, I was able to get the damage formulas used in the game, calculation of stats and a lot more. Now, heres my question:

1) I can "file off the serial numbers" and use an actual formula that will generate approximate results - (Attack Power * Attack Stat * Level / Defensive Stat) for damage OR
2) Keep the dice in the combat and work out a cinimatic system

On the one hand, the monster battling games are all stratagy- maximizing your effectiveness while minimizing your weaknesses. Thats how I came across the formulas in the first place: some guy was so dedicated to the games he tracked the stats of several monsters and worked out the formula to ensure he could tweak the system and get the BEST possible monster.
On the other, if you watch the shows, its all flashy when the monsters fight, when villians appear and what not.

For the stats, its too easy: Xd6, where X is the monsters ranking. I can either keep that the same and use the Xd6 dice OR use the Xd6 to calculate a value for the Attack, Defense, Elemental Attack & Defense, adding Xd6 at each level. (IE 2d6 at Level 3 vs value of 25).

Just a pondery. The formula will appease munchkins and anyone looking exploit a structured system and the cinimatics would appease adventurers and story lovers who would rather see the underdog monster win in a final climactic battle than lose simply because its stat was 2 points lower than the others.
Or, include rules for both :D

Message 12831#137236

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