The Forge Reference Project


Topic: [Freelancer] Art, Art & More Art
Started by: Bob Goat
Started on: 9/24/2004
Board: Connections

On 9/24/2004 at 6:52pm, Bob Goat wrote:
[Freelancer] Art, Art & More Art


I figured that I would post my services as an artist since I just finished my first freelance art gig. The gig was for Mr. Clinton R. Nixon for Shadows of Yesterday. You can check out some of the work I did for him at the link below. You can also take a look at some more art of mine in my game Conspiracy of Shadows.

Art Samples

I work pretty cheap and very fast (just ask Clinton). I'd even consider doing work in exchange for cross promotion of games...


Message 12835#137312

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On 9/26/2004 at 9:14pm, daMoose_Neo wrote:
RE: [Freelancer] Art, Art & More Art

Whats the rate and think you could do something for Twilight? ^_^

Message 12835#137445

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On 9/26/2004 at 11:51pm, Bob Goat wrote:
RE: [Freelancer] Art, Art & More Art


Email me the project details and we can talk price, timeline, etc...

ksenkowski at bobgoat dot com.


Message 12835#137450

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On 9/27/2004 at 1:50am, Adorame wrote:
good stuff

I like your art.

Very crisp edges. Nice B/W.

I have art around the web as well. Just type:

Cody Penny

and a few of my galleries and sites should come up.

See ya around the forge

Message 12835#137456

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On 9/27/2004 at 7:08pm, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: [Freelancer] Art, Art & More Art

Keith - what's with the Mister stuff?

To everyone who's designing a game: I can't recommend Keith enough. His work is ahead of schedule, and on the mark the first time.

Message 12835#137539

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On 9/27/2004 at 7:17pm, Bob Goat wrote:
RE: [Freelancer] Art, Art & More Art


I was trying to show respect G. Mister gives your cred on the street, right? Don't want you gett'n dissed by some prissy artist type. I can just see it now...

[Insert Wayne's World Transition Sound]

"Hey Clinton dude, I need like three more weeks to get this drawing done. Oh and do you got my check man, the rent is due?"

"Hey prissy art dude, what did the five fingers say to the face?"

[Insert Hand Slapping Prissy Artist and Making Him Cry]

"I'm Mister Clinton R. Nixon, bitch! Get me my art Monday!"

[Insert Wayne's World Transition Sound]

See, got to teach those prissy artists their place...

What was my post about again?


Message 12835#137540

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On 10/1/2004 at 4:07pm, Bob Goat wrote:
RE: [Freelancer] Art, Art & More Art


I just finished another piece of artwork (the cover for Graal). You can see it HERE. I did a whole bunch of variations for the client which you can see HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE.

This of course brings up the fact that I am between projects and looking for work to keep from losing my skillz. I am more than willing to adjust my prices within reason for indie publishers (I do this for fun not to "break in"). So if you are interested, send me an email/PM and we can see what I can do for you within your budget.


Message 12835#138155

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On 10/5/2004 at 1:49am, Jasper wrote:
RE: [Freelancer] Art, Art & More Art


I'm the one who Kieth just didi the Graal cover for. Let me second Clinton's comments. Keith was great to work with, and I definitely recommend him.


I know you liked the first one best :)

I agree that it was cool -- just not quit the right flavor. Though any would have worked (well, okay, maybe not that crazy moon thing...)

Message 12835#138508

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