The Forge Reference Project


Topic: [Terrae Novae] Opinions
Started by: Kilor Di
Started on: 9/27/2004
Board: Indie Game Design

On 9/27/2004 at 12:38pm, Kilor Di wrote:
[Terrae Novae] Opinions and then click on Terrae Novae.

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but between finishing college and getting a job, I haven't had too much time to work on Terrae Novae.

Just posting to see what everyone thinks of the changes I've made to Terrae Novae. I didn't change much, but I have changed a few things. I plan on making some more changes soon, such as actually creating a mechanic for battle between two armies and determining how many experience points characters will need in order to level up.

Message 12852#137476

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...started by Kilor Di which Kilor Di participated Indie Game Design
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...from around 9/27/2004

On 9/27/2004 at 1:35pm, TonyLB wrote:
RE: [Terrae Novae] Opinions

Uh... where are the rules? You've got thirty pages of background, a dozen types of dragons, scads of magic systems, almost a dozen statistics, classes, classes and elite classes, plus artifacts at the end.

But I cannot find anywhere in the text that tells me how any of this would actually be used to play a game. Did I miss it?

Message 12852#137480

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...from around 9/27/2004

On 9/27/2004 at 6:59pm, Kilor Di wrote:
RE: [Terrae Novae] Opinions

Darn! I knew I forgot something!

Just kidding. What few rules I've created so far are scattered throughout the material at the moment. Once I've finished the stuff I'm working on now, I'll make a special section for the rules.

Message 12852#137538

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...started by Kilor Di which Kilor Di participated Indie Game Design
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...from around 9/27/2004

On 9/27/2004 at 7:39pm, TonyLB wrote:
RE: [Terrae Novae] Opinions

Ah... okay... well, I really don't have any comment on the background material. Maybe if you could convey some specific thing that you're trying to do with it, people might be able to say "X will probably help you, but Y will hinder, and have you considered adding Z?"

Message 12852#137546

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by TonyLB which TonyLB participated Indie Game Design
...including keyword:

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...from around 9/27/2004