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Topic: Author Submissons Wanted!
Started by: balrog21
Started on: 9/28/2004
Board: Connections

On 9/28/2004 at 6:42am, balrog21 wrote:
Author Submissons Wanted!

White Silver Publishing is sending out a call to any and all aspiring authors! If short story is your thing or a novelist, we would like to see some samples of your work for future publishing assignments! We ask that you submit 3 samples when sending samples. (These do not have to be finished works) You will receive a response letter stating that we have received your submission sample, and a second if we like your stuff and want to read more and we would like to hire you! You will retain all rights to your work that is submitted. We just want to see your talent with the written word and your ability to tell a story! Simple enough? This is open to non published writers only at this time.

Sample Submissions should be no longer than 3,000 words. We can accept pdf's or Microsoft Word Files only.
Send submissions to:
John Prescott - President - White Silver Publishing

Message 12863#137604

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On 9/28/2004 at 2:11pm, daMoose_Neo wrote:
RE: Author Submissons Wanted!

You might want to define your definition of "non-published" or even "published" for that matter.
Are we talking someone carried by the likes of Tor or Random House or are we talkin someone who also happens to the president of "My Basement Productions".
Because, not sure how much you looked around, but the vast majority of people (the writing crowd, I know some artists signed up for this forum here alone) here have already published *something* under a personal "company" title. Might have been a 20 page PDF 24 hour game or it might have been a dream system, but their work was still published and is in circulation.

Message 12863#137634

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On 9/28/2004 at 3:43pm, balrog21 wrote:
RE: Author Submissons Wanted!

sorry for the confusion. we are talking about someone who has not been pubished by the big print houses like TOR, Random House, SnS, and WOTC's division of books.
John Prescott - President - White Silver Publishing

Message 12863#137642

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On 9/28/2004 at 4:32pm, smokewolf wrote:
RE: Author Submissons Wanted!

Not to bring up anything bad....

But how far along are you guys? What type of products are you working on? How many things have you put out?

Your website is giving a DHTML error so I can not look this up myself. At the moment, unfortunately this seems like alot of other open calls from companies putting the cart before the horse. Take Otherworld Creations for example, there is a big to do about them on about how they ordered alot of art and such and then had no money to finish any of the projects.

3 Samples are an awful lot of writing to submit. Do you have an Evaluation Waiver form? It's a form that basically says that we may be working on a similiar idea/story line/etc. and that submitor waives all rights to sue because they feel you stole their work.

Message 12863#137646

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On 9/28/2004 at 4:52pm, Ben Lehman wrote:
RE: Author Submissons Wanted!

balrog21 wrote: sorry for the confusion. we are talking about someone who has not been pubished by the big print houses like TOR, Random House, SnS, and WOTC's division of books.

BL> Okay, since this is a site which is mostly targetted at RPG publishers, I'm going to speak to you as one fellow publisher to another.

I know that it isn't your intention, but from a writer's perspective, this looks creepy.

"We are looking for amateur writers" is one of the big fat warning signs that writers are on the lookout for. What it looks like, at least to me, is "we are looking for suckers who are so excited to see their writing in print that we can exploit them mercilessly."

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that this is not your intention.

Why bother to segregate between professional and amateur? Are you seriously telling me that if, say, Michael Moorcock came to you and said that he wanted to write for you, you'd turn him away? Why?

The whole divide between published and unpublished is vague (especially in terms of this site), sketchy and not helpful. Why don't you lay out clearly what you want from writers (as in fiction writing? To order or just inspired by your texts? Rules writing? Etc.) and your terms of recompense (price per word? comp copies? promotion?) and be done with it? That's the information that writers are looking for.


Message 12863#137648

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On 9/29/2004 at 5:47am, balrog21 wrote:
RE: Author Submissons Wanted!

thanks for the info. i will remedy the problem.
John Prescott

Message 12863#137755

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On 9/29/2004 at 5:24pm, balrog21 wrote:
RE: Author Submissons Wanted!

I do hope the second post remedied some questions, concerns, and provided some valuable information.
In answer to one of the replies to this first post.
We are a starting Publishing house.
We are in the process of aquiring some additional existing properities that are already in print.
Our website should go live in about 2 weeks. We are tweeking it now, hence the little information that is up on the site now.
No, we don't want to exploit any authors. We are not that kind of company.
We want to make some significant changes to the industry in regards to promptness in all aspects of the industry.
We want fan, customer, and buyer to be most important.
We want to provide to the fan, customer, and buyer the best product:be it game, short story, or novel the best that it can be in the market place today and in the future.
Hope this answered some of the questions that was asked in the replies to this first post.
John Prescott - President - White Silver Publishing

Message 12863#137835

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