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Topic: Gushing praise and fan art questions
Started by: Tim Mahan
Started on: 9/28/2004
Board: Adept Press

On 9/28/2004 at 6:21pm, Tim Mahan wrote:
Gushing praise and fan art questions

I just want to say thank you to for providing that elusive something that I felt was missing from roleplaying - techniques for helping your players to create the story they want without relying on railroading. You see, I come from a gaming club where most people wanted Narrativist play, but didn't know how to achieve it. We all believed in the Impossible Thing Before Breakfast. So I usually settled on improvized railroading stemming from subtle cues about where I thought the players wanted to take the story - it was better than nothing, but not nearly as good as the kicker, relationship map, and bangs combination you present in the Sorcerer supplements. I eagerly await that Demon Cops supplement you're thinking about doing.

Furthermore, I hear you're looking for some fan/gallery art, especially of the Az'k'arn variety, and I think I can help you out with that. Any requests or restrictions? What format would you like the art in, since it'll most likely be done digitally?

[Edit: Fixed spelling error]

Message 12870#137665

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On 9/28/2004 at 9:47pm, greyorm wrote:
RE: Gushing praise and fan art questions

Heya Tim, Demon Cops is already out (in PDF form):

There are also plenty of other minisupplements to sink your teeth into.

Message 12870#137697

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On 9/28/2004 at 10:25pm, Tim Mahan wrote:
RE: Gushing praise and fan art questions

Actually, I remember reading that Ron was thinking of doing a major, book format Demon Cops supplement sometime next year. All that could've changed by now, though.

Message 12870#137710

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On 9/29/2004 at 1:52am, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Gushing praise and fan art questions


Lots to talk about!

1. Thanks, Tim. Out of curiosity, given that you and your group were accustomed to the Thing Before Breakfast, and given that all of you seemed good at coping with it in your fashion (railroading) ... why did Sorcerer appeal to you at all? What experiences or ideas made any alternative approach seem viable?

2. Demon Cops is planned as a print supplement for next year. However, there are one or two legal concerns about the name that I have to hash out, which is delaying me slightly. I do have a whole new outline, at least one totally new concept about role-playing that isn't in the PDF, and a lot of new art.

3. Azk'Arn art NOW. Please. I want to do a full gallery on the website for this purpose.


Message 12870#137727

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On 9/29/2004 at 8:02pm, Tim Mahan wrote:
RE: Gushing praise and fan art questions

Hi Ron,

Lemme see,

1) Even though we were accustomed to railroading and even enjoyed it, I felt that any amount of railroading was infringing on my players. It felt more like I was playing them, which was not what I wanted. If the player's actions had no affect on the outcome of the game, it seemed to me that there was no game, and we might as well watch TV. So I snapped up the Sorcerer books ASAP after hearing about all the GM goodies they contained.


3)Ideally, what would you like to see in the Azk'Arn art? Should it be PG-13, or R-rated with a lot of sexy people in chitin armor? I ask so I'll have an idea of what setting elements I should bring out. I'm seeing a lot of acrobatic fighting and bizarre, courtly parties, myself.


Message 12870#137873

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On 10/1/2004 at 7:11pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Gushing praise and fan art questions

Hi Tim,

R-rated. And draw whatever the text inspires; your starting suggestions are just ginchy by me so far.

Also, I like to see sketches first, so please feel free to email them to me at, or post them at a website and email the URL to me.


Message 12870#138192

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On 10/4/2004 at 1:37pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Gushing praise and fan art questions

Correction: instead of "R-rated," read "whatever you want, no upper or lower threshold on content."


Message 12870#138419

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On 10/4/2004 at 3:17pm, Tim Mahan wrote:
RE: Gushing praise and fan art questions

Cool. The first sketches should be in your inbox by the end of the week - I'm waiting for my computer to come back from repairs.

Message 12870#138431

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