The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Anyone in Calgary?
Started by: Gaiaguerrilla
Started on: 9/29/2004
Board: Connections

On 9/29/2004 at 12:36am, Gaiaguerrilla wrote:
Anyone in Calgary?

Anyone in Calgary who's interested in roleplay design, I'd love to meet. Respond here or email me. Put an email subject as "roleplaying" / "calgary" or anything for me to decipher it from the increasingly intelligent spam onslaught.

Though unsure what I can offer, or wheather things will work out at all, it would be great to have the opportunity to find similar interests. In the mean-time, I'll hang out at the Sentry Box and some of the smaller shops.

Thanks for reading, and take care!

Message 12876#137723

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