The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Author Submissons Wanted Part II
Started by: balrog21
Started on: 9/29/2004
Board: Connections

On 9/29/2004 at 6:42am, balrog21 wrote:
Author Submissons Wanted Part II

After receiving well constructed comments from some people here on the boards, and speaking with my business partners let me post a new and improved author submission request.

1. Any author published or not may send a submission.

2. We will accept one submission, and it should not be over 3,000 words. PDF or Microsoft Word files only. It does not have to be a complete story.

3. We have enough ideas for short stories and a few novels. Your submission will be evaluated on how well you can use the written word, and your ability to tell a story.

4. This submission request is for future fictional writing assignments for a fantasy world setting some where between Middle Earth and the general high fantasy setting.

5. Your submission is your own and is only being evaluated. As was said in #3 we have our own ideas and your submission will retain all your copyrights and authorship. Let me say once again, we dont want your ideas.

6. You will receive a reply for any submission you send, and if we want to hire you another email will follow in due time.

7. As of now, we are paying 5 cents per word to published authors and 3 cents per word to unpublished ones. These rates may change, but as of now these are the rates.

8. Some other info you may want to know:
a. If we decide to hire you to write for us you will receive 10 copies of your work, be it a novel or short story compilation book.
b. the books we publish will be backed by an aggressive ad campaign promoting the book in which you have authored or shared authorship if its a short story compilation book.
c. your work will be listed in the news section of our website when a final date for your work will be published.
d. if you have a website we will list it in the press release concerning your book when it will be available for purchase.

9. Although we highly doubt that anyone else is working on the same idea or thoughts. If a submission is sent you will waive the right to sue just in the off chance that for some reason we have the same ideas for our novels or short stories. So when sending a submission PLEASE include in the subject of your email White Silver Publishing Author Submission: from the Forge. This states that you have read this post and comply with them completely.

10. Please send all submissions to
Subject: White Silver Publishing Author Submission: from the Forge

Thanks for you time and we hope to see some awesome submissions.
John Prescott - White Silver Publishing

Message 12882#137758

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