The Forge Reference Project


Topic: [Fingers] random scenes and GM swapping Y or N?
Started by: Nazzi
Started on: 10/10/2004
Board: Indie Game Design

On 10/10/2004 at 9:45pm, Nazzi wrote:
[Fingers] random scenes and GM swapping Y or N?

I’ve got a question. Do you think that the idea of swapping GMs with random scenes is playable? In my game “Fingers”, players write a scene idea and put it in a container. Every half an hour the GM changes, the new GM picks a piece of paper form the container and GMs the scene. So I ask you if it’s playable or not?
I haven’t try it because I can’t find players ( small town, back water part of the world, non-dnd stuff)


Message 13014#139117

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