The Forge Reference Project


Topic: [Dice Chucker]- Version 2 is posted for download
Started by: oversoul01
Started on: 10/16/2004
Board: Indie Game Design

On 10/16/2004 at 12:59pm, oversoul01 wrote:
[Dice Chucker]- Version 2 is posted for download

Well the 2nd incarnation of Dice Chucker is finished. I made some big changes over the entire thing. First I did some small changes in the basic system. I felt that it was pretty strong in this department so it only need some fine tuning. The major overhaul came in the Power Dice. I took alot of the suggestions I recieved here and implimented them. The final major change was layout. I went with a color and a newer format. I liked the sort of light hearted, its-just-a-game theme, so I decided to to keep it. If someone cannot get past the silliness of it style and be able to use it in other genres than "silly" I cannot do much about about that.
I would love to hear some opinions, comments, and suggestions. This project is not over for me. Hopefully it never will be. I am expecting to write a Version 3. It can be downloaded at either or

Message 13095#139765

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